Meat Made Us Human – IOTW Report

Meat Made Us Human


Another COP, another call to have meat removed from our diet. The further we depart from what we evolved to do, as individuals and as a society, the less efficient we become. We didn’t evolve to be vegetarian. Quite the contrary, humans are one of the most carnivorous animals on the planet, surprisingly so.

Eating meat is more efficient. Carnivores spend less time feeding than similar-sized herbivores. For example, one of our primate relatives, baboons (Papio cynocephalus), devote almost all their daylight hours to feeding while adult males of hunter-gatherer Ache (eastern Paraguay) and Hadza (northern Tanzania) tribes spend only a third of the day in food acquisition, preparation and feeding. Acquiring and consuming medium-size animals, at a return rate in the range of tens of thousands of calories per hour, is an order of magnitude more time-efficient than plant-gathering.  In nature, for humans, plant-sourced calories cost ten times the price of meat if it is available.

The most energy-dense macronutrient is fat (9.4 kcals/g), compared with protein (4.7 kcals/g) and carbohydrates (3.7 kcals/g). Plant proteins and carbohydrates typically contain antinutrients with functions in plant growth and defence. These antinutrients, such as lectins or phytate, limit full energetic utilization and nutrient absorption by humans. Phytates also limit iron absorption from plants. Up to 30% of the iron in meat can be absorbed while iron absorption from plants is limited to about 10%. That is why iron deficiency is a common symptom of vegetarianism. more here

21 Comments on Meat Made Us Human

  1. And it tastes so darn good!

    But, better than that, it should be on the bottom of the food pyramid. Instead, they turned it upside down to make us fat and unhealthy so we would enrich the medical field and allow government to pretend to care for our well-being.

    Meats and high protein foods along with milk products should be on the bottom (more), Fruits and Vegetables stay where they are, and sweets and grains on the top (less):

  2. Yet why are the progressives so against meat even though they are more likely to be stain worshippers who enjoy human meat and blood?

    It may be gross but it’s not one of those “false” facts Hunter Biden eschews!

  3. The same people who don’t want us to eat meat also want to restrict water usage for irritating farm land, and want to restrict what kinds of fertilizer and pest control farmers use.

    You’d think the elite want most of us dead.

  4. Been a meat eater for over 80 years. Decades ago i bought bulk beef from Fedco. If I got a side $0.95 a lb! it dressed out to almost 280 lb. More than my freezer could hold. So I ate a lb (16 oz) for breakfast and for dinner I ate 2 lb (32 oz) from rhe “frig”. At work ate what ever meat was being sold!
    Frequently have sardines or herring for breakfast. Put down many lbs of Turkey a church party last week! i can not recall ever IN AMEEICA having a meal without meat! For my age my health is very good!

  5. Fuck that bullshit – As long as I have a good stock of Angus Burgers from Sam’s Club, and a library shelf in the deep freeze of manager special Ribeye’s from my local butcher, not to mention chicken & the odd holiday ham, I’ll be a carnivore.
    It’s why we have those teeth called “canines”.
    And don’t even get me started on seafood.

  6. We usually get a whole NY strip loin and cut our own steaks because it’s the cheaper way to acquire steaks. However last time at the store grass fed organic ribeye loin was on sale for $7.99/lb. I haven’t seen it that low in ages. I sliced off a 1-1/2″ steak and burned it up on the grill to a perfect 132 degrees. Holy shit I miss eating ribeye, it was delicious.

  7. Better hurry, 𝒞𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓇FJB𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎, that pan is thinning out!

    So, here’s the test:

    Several platters are placed in front of you. One is like the picture above (go look, it won’t bite). Another is full of the best looking breads you’ve ever seen with butter and cheeses. A third is covered with glazed cakes and pastries. And finally, the fourth is a very complete veggie plate with a big bowl of Dill Rance dip in the center.

    (a) Which platter do you attack first?
    (b) Which platter 2nd, 3rd and 4th?
    (c) Is there a platter you don’t touch?

    Does it depend on time of day? Does it depend on what you’ve already eaten that day?

  8. Cooked meat made us human and was essential in domesticating dogs. It’s just progress… as we’re hanging around the fire and the charcoal’s getting hot in the barbecue… burning some rib steaks until they’re just warm in the middle… a little hotter or a little less depending on who it is… and the dogs are really attentive and being good… it’s 45 degrees out, dark, December… yeah, progress… the basics must still apply…

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