“We disagree that any of these labels are racist.” – IOTW Report

“We disagree that any of these labels are racist.”

Woman revives racist allegations against Trader Joe’s. But this time, reaction is VERY different

BPR: Trader Joe’s, the popular grocery store, is once again facing drummed-up backlash over its allegedly racist ways.

The latest controversy started late last month when an Asian woman published a TikTok video taking note of how Trader Joe’s brands its mandarin orange chicken under the name “Trader Ming’s.” more

15 Comments on “We disagree that any of these labels are racist.”

  1. A friend – actually the dad of a elementary school classmate, but a couple of decades later – had a Porsche with the license plate ‘CHOZ’. His first name being Joe, and living in SoCal with lots of Latinos. 🙂

  2. I buy all sorts of grocery items from Trader Joe’s and I am not in the least offended by their labeling of any of their products. I’m more offended by pissants who can’t leave well enough alone. If they don’t like how, it’s labeled they can go screw themselves and leave me alone. Sometimes I’m more offended by some of the freaks who work at TJ’s but I keep my mouth shut and buy from them anyway because I like their variety of products and their prices. The freaky guy with pronouns on his name label bugged me but I don’t go to his checkout aisle if I can help it.

  3. A Karen by any other name, would she be so crazy?

    If you don’t “get” dad jokes, then the wry humir of Trader Joe’s likely escapes you, and you should pick-up your large family size self-righteous indignation at another business and pick up an equal amount of STFU.

  4. I’m offended that you’re not offended by me being offended! You’re indifference to my being offended offends me. Your incapability to perceive my offendendenance is deeply offending to my sense of being offended.

    What ever; buy that Curry Sauce and 3-buck Chuck, STFU, and move on. And don’t forget your pumpkin-spice pancake mix.


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