Fetterman: “I’m Not A Progressive” – IOTW Report

Fetterman: “I’m Not A Progressive”

WLT: In a shock to many of his Democrat allies, Representative John Fetterman announces that he is “not a progressive.”

This comment comes as Rep. Fetterman defends himself from far-left Democrats who continue to attack anyone who supports Israel. Fetterman came out in support of Israel and defended himself from the radical leftists that had taken over the Democratic party. more

18 Comments on Fetterman: “I’m Not A Progressive”

  1. Just wait until Biden is out of office and IF he can still speak and IF he’s still alive. I know, this is a bit of a reach. He and the media will declare himself, “not a predecessor” and, “not the last guy” and it’ll be hate speech if you refer to him as anything other than *resident.

  2. I dunno… he’s putting together words and sentences that actually make sense!
    He’s got me scratching my head. I’ll reserve any more judgement until next year after he’s/if he’s stabilized out.

  3. Who knew Uncle Festerman was a moderate. He sure clowned everyone dressing like he was perpetually attending a backyard barbecue. Now he’s wearing suits. Guess turning on lightbulbs with his mouth sparked the right brain cells.


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