The “Dirty Little Secret” of America’s Current Government – IOTW Report

The “Dirty Little Secret” of America’s Current Government

Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency, made a significant comment during the recent 4th primary debate. He exposed what he called the “dirty little secret” of America’s government by stating,”The people who we elect to run the government are not the ones who are even actually running the government.”

If he’s right, then who does run our government?

Is it billionaires who steer our domestic and foreign policy? They certainly are trying to control our speech, health, food, use of energy, and the information that we see, hear, and read. They’re also trying to give that power to the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Economic Forum (WEF) – organizations they control through massive donations. For example, in a recent speech in Basel, Switzerland, Dr. David Martin said Bill Gates controls the WHO because he donates 88% of their budget! In return, global WHO programs enhance his plans to depopulate the world and his profits from vaccine investments. read more

15 Comments on The “Dirty Little Secret” of America’s Current Government

  1. I do believe Woodrow Wilson and the start of the American progressive movement kicked things off. I don’t believe Obama is in charge of anything. Like Biden, he is still just a puppet. I want to know who’s working his strings, who the people are who are actually controlling things. On second thought, don’t tell me. I do, however, feel sorry for the next generation, for they have no idea what’s coming.

  2. As I have mentioned before, back in the 1980’s the Deep State didn’t think they had to do what Reagan wanted because they knew he would be gone at the end of eight years, tops. Maybe they also knew that W.H. was Veep so they just had to bide their time until one of them was in office again.

    I had an email yesterday from Conservative Review with a story about how Nikki Haley is skyrocketing up in the polls and how more and more people are backing her for President. Yeah, the Deep State must be working overtime. They know Biden is toast and he has polluted the Democratic Party so much that even Dominion can’t help, and they are doing what they can to install an acceptable Republican candidate. They just don’t realize that any reporting of polls that does not have the media putting on a Mr. Yuk face makes us run the other direction.

  3. “threat to our democracy” – and similar phrases.

    Their purpose is to keep the illusion going in people’s minds. They think we’re stupid. To them, ‘Democracy’ is but mental chewing gum (with squirty happy juice!) for the idiot masses.

    But they’re right. A majority of us ARE stupid idiots. The problem is the big money people running the game are psychotic sicko bitches from Hell with the intellectual credentials of concession stand operators. They’re even bigger idiots than the masses, considering what they’re ‘in charge of.’

    When was the last time you were impressed with the pronouncements of ANY of those people? – world-wide corporate elite, top government officials, political party managers, FED chairmen, economists, leaders of the press, university officials…

    Been awhile, hasn’t it?

    The joke’s been on us all along. The people who actually wanted our Republic of Laws to work (and knew how to make it work) have been dead by many generations and replaced with cretins and human power mongers.


  4. P.P.S. I just want to live long enough for “them” to inflate the currency enough for the formerly millionaires, currently billionaires, to claim to be trillionaires.

  5. Jake, the warships sent to the Red Sea are not necessarily for Israel’s defense. More likely to keep them in check. There are many players represented by our State Dept. Not all representing ours or Israel’s best interests.

  6. They’re looting the Treasury of the biggest plum on the planet and laundering it thru the billionairs who then pay them to look the other way. It’s the biggest financial circle jerk in history! Get on the business end of the Going Out of Business Sale of the United States!


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