Big Crowd For Trump’s New Hampshire Rally – IOTW Report

Big Crowd For Trump’s New Hampshire Rally

WLT: The Biden regime and the political establishment want us to believe that President Trump is rapidly losing support and that the MAGA movement represents a fringe minority.

Nothing can be further from the truth and the more they attempt to indict the 45th President, the more popular he seems to become. According to The Hill:

Biden trails the former president in hypothetical match-ups both with and without third-party options on the ballot in several states: Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Of course, polling isn’t surefire and November 2024 is still a long way off; sometimes the best proof for something is what we can see with our eyes instead of just data.

President Trump recently held a campaign rally in Durham, New Hampshire where the venue was absolutely packed with MAGA patriots. more

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