Depravity On The Loose! – IOTW Report

Depravity On The Loose!

CFP: Shockingly, the stunning obscenity of Democrat Senator Ben Cardin staffer Aidan Maese-Czeropski’s gay sex tape—filmed in the Senate and gone viral over the internet—doesn’t end there.

Unfortunately, in these times of an upside down world, young, old and in between cannot unsee what they’ve already seen on social media.

Tossed the public’s way just a week before Christmas, the disgusting video went viral on the heels of Alex Jones’ dropped bombshell during a Tucker Carlson interview claiming that little-girl-sniffing- President Joe Biden wanders about naked through the White house, and Tucker telling Jones that he’d heard the same stories.

It seems that porn of the most disgusting type is not only alive and well, but thriving unchallenged at a lawless, Anything Goes White House.

Does anyone even remember that congressmen were exposing their genitals on the House floor and going unnamed back in 2017? more

10 Comments on Depravity On The Loose!

  1. Our government is the largest producer And consumer of porn. This goes way past 2017. Sodom and Gomora runs the halls of justice.
    Luk 17:27  They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 
    Luk_17:28  Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; KJB

  2. This is a part of the revolution. It is intentional and purposeful, of a part with the trannys at the white house, the cocaine at the white house and the pervert bag stealer at DOE as well as the satanist whose position I don’t recall, but it was some mid level ‘executive’ type position, among others. COVID was part of it, and the whole of the ‘green agenda’ is part of the revolution.

    The people will reach a state where we have no respect left for government that is, and will therefore be disinclined to defend the form based on the egregious misbehaviors repeatedly demonstrated. Hell, Joe the pedophile and his drug addict whoremonger of a son are part of it, as well as the whole degenerate family. How much respect for the office is destroyed by that piece of shit (PedoJoe) being installed through obvious fraud on the public? A lot.

    We’re in deep doo doo at this point and I expect (in a fleetingly small way) a knock on the door just for saying the above.

  3. Walter – Great comment. Yes, it’s all part of the Left’s/Globalist’s efforts to numb and tear down the last vestiges of morality and the power within the family to inculcate morality.

    If you need even more evidence of this, I can recommend a pastor — Cliffe Knecktle(?). His channel (and website) on YT is “Givemeananswer”. Cliffe speaks across the country with groups of college students. The utter nonsense they obviously regurgitate from their learned professors and their gloating sophistry as they try to punch holes in any argument for an objective truth or the roots of morality are frustrating and heart-breaking to hear. But there you have it. Today’s yutes. It’s not surprising that 40% of people from 18-24 years believe that Hamas are the good guys.

  4. @Mike Crabb

    Did you know that those verses that you quoted tell us exactly when the separation (rapture) will occur and what happens afterward?

    Luke 17:27 “They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until THE DAY that Noe entered into the ark (separation of the righteous from the unrighteous), and the flood came (God’s judgment;wrath), and destroyed them all (nobody was saved after the separation).”

    It was the same pattern in Lot’s day. On the same day of the separation, God’s wrath fell and all were destroyed (verse 29).

    Jesus said that it will be the same on the day that He is revealed (verse 30). Jesus said that nobody will be saved once God’s wrath begins immediately after the rapture yet a great multitude is saved in the great tribulation that goes into heaven. That means that the great tribulation is NOT God’s wrath. That proves that the theory of a pre-tribulation rapture is a FALSE TEACHING.

    This is meant as a warning to Christians!!! Also non-Christians will not get a second chance at salvation after the separation. Those outside the ark and in Sodom and Gomorrah didn’t and those left behind after the rapture won’t either.


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