Farm Dog Of The Year? – IOTW Report

Farm Dog Of The Year?

The Dogington Post: The dog who killed 8 coyotes to protect a flock of sheep and made headlines late last year is nominated for the Farm Dog Of The Year Award this year.

The two-year old hero livestock guard dog, named Casper, has been nominated for the award by the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF).

Casper is up against some ruff competition for the title this year. He is up against four other dogs — Trip, a Border Collie from Ohio; Margo, a Rottweiler from Indiana; Cinco, another Border Collie from Utah; and Morgan, a Bernese Mountain Dog. more here

12 Comments on Farm Dog Of The Year?

  1. We have Pyrenees to protect our goats and chickens. They kill everything and they have a kill pile. lol
    People whine all the time though that it’s cruel to have these dogs living outside in the heat and the cold with no shelter. Too darn stupid to know these dogs are bred for what they do and they have shelter if they want it in the barn with the animals.

  2. People who are “too darn stupid to know these dogs are bred for what they do and they have shelter if they want it in the barn with the animals” don’t realize that these dogs EARN their keep!
    Probably Liberals, but hey it’s the time of the year when we should go easy on Leftists. The period between Thanksgiving & Christmas is especially HARD for them because it encompasses everything they hate; Christianity, capitalism, joy, light, generosity, and of course their own families.

    Naw… fuck that!

  3. Old Racist Cracker Woman: I have a friend who had the cops called on her when neighbor said her 3 HUSKIES were cruelly outside in the Snow. My friend pointed the cops to the open Doggie door and said ” they can come inside whenever they WANT to “. End of story.

  4. Harry Eyeball and Jarhead Cracka, these people drive me crazy. Our Pyrenees are not pets. We have pet dogs and gasp they spend most of their time outside as well because they’re dogs and like being outside.


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