[Update: Colorado Republican Party Responds] Ramaswamy to withdraw from Colorado primary unless Trump is on the ballot – IOTW Report

[Update: Colorado Republican Party Responds] Ramaswamy to withdraw from Colorado primary unless Trump is on the ballot

JTN: Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy excoriated the Colorado Supreme Court’s Tuesday decision to remove former President Donald Trump from the state ballot and called on his fellow Republicans to withdraw from the state’s primary unless Trump’s name appears on the ballot.

The court on Tuesday determined that Trump engaged in an insurrection by inciting the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Riot and was therefore ineligible to run under the 14th Amendment. Trump’s campaign has vowed to appeal to the Supreme Court. Ramaswamy contended that the decision amounted to a political move to disqualify Trump amid his mounting lead in the polls.

“This is what an *actual* attack on democracy looks like: in an un-American, unconstitutional, and *unprecedented* decision, a cabal of Democrat judges are barring Trump from the ballot in Colorado,” Ramaswamy declared. Having tried every trick in the book to eliminate President Trump from running in this election, the bipartisan Establishment is now deploying a new tactic to bar him from ever holding office again: the 14th Amendment.” read more

51 Comments on [Update: Colorado Republican Party Responds] Ramaswamy to withdraw from Colorado primary unless Trump is on the ballot

  1. considering that the Colorado Supremes put the whole shebang on stay, pending US SCOTUS appeal & verdict …. so, the whole thing’s a charade in the first place & in the second place Trump will stay on the ballot ….

    I think we go just a wee bit of grandstanding going on …….. overplayed imo

  2. Dudes trying hard to get into a position of authority. Mean while DeSantis was on Morning Blow today slamming Trump for not pardoning the J6 peeps. As I recall, none of them had been arrested while he was still in office. No matter, it didn’t go over well. DeSantis has finally killed his campaign.

  3. Nice timing…barely 2 weeks (with 2 holidays) to get this before the Supremes, assuming they even decide to hear it. “No standing” Roberts could go either way. And I’ve got no confidence in the other so-called conservatives, except Thomas.

  4. I applaud the Colorado Republican Party for offering to remove themselves from their state’s Primary. The States (and the Feds) — and our taxes — should not be involved in any political party’s nominating process.

  5. explanation please: does the RNC abandonment of the ‘Primary’ system in Kalirodo & converting to the ‘Caucus’ system mean that Kalirodo has to put the winner of the republican caucuses on the ballot?

    … btw, will this mean that any state that does not recognize a political party’s process (for whatever reason) can just cancel it because the state can trump up (no pun intended) some stupid charges? … interesting times

  6. It’s called who has the balls. A certain someone DEFILED America’s election process. Maybe you enjoy getting defiled for there are others who do not. The bar of soap was dropped, who is man enough to put the soap dropper in their place?

  7. What really interests me is the response by the CO GOP.
    They’ll caucus and put him on the general election ballot. They’ve got a spine.
    I wonder if our state party in ME will have the guts if the leftists here succeed in court.
    The new leadership might. They’ve already announced the Republican primary will not use ranked choice voting.

  8. Since Biden won Colorado in 2020, as did Clinton in 2016, I don’t think it makes any difference who is on the 2024 ballot – the voters in Colorado are nuttier than squirrel turds.

  9. how does a court determine Trump’s guilt for insurrection when there was and is never such a charge levied, never such a prosecution and never any guilty verdict? never dreamed this would happen in America

  10. Loco
    I know your to stupid to figure out the context of what I was getting at. Maybe this will help. I’ll start including pictures just for your dumb ass.
    Meanwhile, did I do that right? DeDantis is DONE. And he’s the exact asshole most of us have described from the beginning. Consider this your Ted Cruz 2.0.

    2 of 2
    : during the intervening time
    meanwhile, however, new projects are being undertaken this year—
    Jonathan Eberhart
    : at the same time
    You can set the table, and meanwhile I’ll start cooking dinner.

  11. DeSantis is the Plan B for if Trump dies*, is murdered*, or is incapacitated in some manner.

    Like I said, RDS will wield VERY significant power until 2027.
    Will Trump?
    Who knows?
    Unlike you, I want them BOTH to have power in order to save the republic.
    You are an idiot who thinks Trump can do it alone.

  12. “You are an idiot who thinks Trump can do it alone.”

    And you are an idiot that think RDS is Trumps, or our, only option. Trump’s far from alone, RDS is just NOT included in the solution. For good reason. He’s not to be trusted.

  13. Tell what J6ers were arrested while Trump was still in office? And if there were any how was he suppose to know how far they would bastardize the U.S. Constitution. It’s pretty damn easy to take cheap shots at someone when your ass has never been in that position. And thankfully for us, RDS will never get his deep state ass in that position.

  14. I believe Buffalo guy was arrested by then?

    RDS = Deep State
    Meanwhile life-long democrat, donor to the Clinton crime family, Donald J Trump is clean as the wind driven snow.

    Question Brad:
    Why bother hitting the gym every day when surely, carrying water for Trump must be pretty taxing?

  15. I do know that the critics of DeSantis never can ding him on his actual record.

    They say he wears lifts (he doesn’t, he wears cowboy boots)
    So what anyway?
    Yes, they ding his personality.
    Sure, he doesn’t have the Trump charisma, but so what?

    His record of conservative wins, had they been accomplished by Trump, would be shouted from the rooftops.

    RDS is a man of character and his word.
    Trump talks a good game but damn, when covid hit, he dropped the ball…

  16. “RDS is a man of character and his word.

    That’s your opinion. Many of us see it differently.

    Desantis sold out to the deep state. Bush Globalist.

    Chris Christie, Deep State RINO and all around piece of shit.

    Nikki Haley, Neocon Deep State POS. Globalist. (Lockheed Martin just paid her a shit ton of money)

    Vivek Ramaswamy, Dudes got some really bad history. Possible plant.

    You’re not going to change our minds by posting RDS is a man of character.

  17. Hey Loco. The ONLY reason I entertain this back and forth is because I do think you’re a smart guy. Certainly a good speller. But I think you can be one of those peeps that occasionally gets lost in the minutia losing sight of what our countries greatest threats are. And that would be the Deep State Globalist POSs that are running our futures into the ground for personal profit. And there’s two guys running right now that see that clearly. DJT, and the other guy is not on the above list. And DJT is one motivated MoFo right now. I’m done, gotta work.

  18. Who is “the other guy” Brad?
    RDS has actually battled these clowns, worked to get them out of Florida, including Soros DA’s.
    Globalist, deep state, RINO, etc are not adjectives that apply EVEN REMOTELY TO Ron DeSantis.
    I think you know this, yet it violates your narrative so you spew lies.

  19. Ok, just clicked the link.

    “I think the U.S. Supreme Court is going to reverse that. But here’s the larger thing of what the left and the media and the Democrats are doing. They’re doing all this stuff to basically solidify support in the primary for him, and get him into the general. And the whole general election is going to be all this legal stuff,” said DeSantis.

    No lies detected.
    No tinfoil.

  20. Harry, I remember the first set of superregenerative walkie talkies I built as a kid in the early 60’s (back when Heathkit was the coolEst place on THE PLANET!!). Good to a 1/4 mile. 1/2+ over water! Bee’s knees, I thought at the time. Turn the clock back!


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