State Legislators May Force Chick-Fil-A Locations To Open On Sundays – IOTW Report

State Legislators May Force Chick-Fil-A Locations To Open On Sundays

Envolve: New York state legislators have introduced a bill, named the Rest Stop Restaurant Act, that “would require food and beverage companies contracted to provide services along the Thruway and at the Port Authority in New York and New Jersey to stay open seven days a week,” ABC 7 reports.

Chick-fil-A, known for closing every Sunday, have multiple locations the legislation would impact.

“As of now, there are seven Chick-fil-A locations on the New York State Thruway, with three more scheduled to be built,” ABC 7 wrote.

The legislation wants restaurants at travel stops to be open seven days a week for the “public good.” more

24 Comments on State Legislators May Force Chick-Fil-A Locations To Open On Sundays

  1. This is simple to fix Chik-fil-A should permanently close all their restaurants in New York state and never go back. New York has no business telling companies like Chik-fil-A or any other business how they can do business. It’s none of their damn business, they need to butt out. Who will NY go after next in order to maintain political correctness?

  2. By the reasoning of public good, All legislators should be available at all times. Day or night. you should be able to reach them, not a staffer, operator or recording. If at 3 am raccoons are waking you as they paw through your garbage, you should be able to vent to your representative.

  3. How much taxpayer money will be spent by NY State fighting CFA in court over this?
    Maybe the feds gave them the green light and federal dollars are paying for it. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

  4. @SNS

    True, they will leave nothing alone. The liberals see problems everywhere and want to change everything to reflect their beliefs.

    Being mostly atheists, they’ll probably someday force churches to close on Sundays, before completely outlawing them, all for the good of the public. Except for Satanist and Pervert churches.

  5. This is not the most unreasonable thing I’ve seen. The government owns and manages the thru-way and port rest stops, so they should be able to set reasonable hours of operation. Shopping malls (at those that are left) do this almost all of the time with their tenants. Sundays are big travel days for many people, so there seems to be a rational basis for this law.

    My problem is the same as CFM990: Chik-Fil-A leased locations from New York when the state knew they closed on Sundays. These locations should be allowed to operate as they are already doing during the term of their lease, with new locations subject to the new rules.

  6. @cfm990 – no, they didn’t care then. And now, at least in regard to Chick-fil-A, they just want to force them to do it for the sake of superiority. Not like customers – who already know they are closed every Sunday – would be traumatized when there is a different restaurant next door that is open.

  7. This is a lot of hoo-hah over nothing.

    First off, CFA has become woke. It’s not what it used to be, so save the tears.

    Second, it should have been in the original leases to require CFA to be open on Sundays — or else go set up somewhere else. Operating hour requiremendts are a common unexceptional provision of shopping centers, other commercial establishments who don’t want to lease to a tenant that leaves dark space. That this was not done from the beginning only attests to the stupidity of what works in government these days.

    Don’t be a distracted patsy, and allow yourself to be manipulated by shfbrains media looking for agitated clicks.

  8. This looks like a Bill of Attainder, which is prohibited by the US Constitution. The fact that the legislators pushing it so openly voice their dislike of Chik-Fill-As Christian based policies will make it a prime case for law suites. And CFA may be able to invoke a breach of contract clause and possibly recoup their fixed costs should they choose to abandon those locations.

  9. @Wyatt

    Why is government in the business of owning thruway rest stops anyway? So a driver exits a freeway/thruway for a drink and something to eat and he/she in on government controlled property that calls the shots on how the gas stations and restaurants run their businesses?

    That’s the old Soviet Union model of dictatorship.

  10. Pardon my Francoisie but Fuxk them and the horse they rode in on. And, by the way, ESAD you communistic scum! Now, go shove your heads up your axses and roll down the hill to the Niagra Falls and take a fuxking swim, bixhes.


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