Colorado Trump Ruling Explained: Pure MENTAL GYMNASTICS! -Viva Frei Vlawg – IOTW Report

Colorado Trump Ruling Explained: Pure MENTAL GYMNASTICS! -Viva Frei Vlawg

vivavrei Rumble.

17 Comments on Colorado Trump Ruling Explained: Pure MENTAL GYMNASTICS! -Viva Frei Vlawg

  1. The democrat / Marxist / communists are sincerely TRYING to incite a civil war by causing a denial and prevention of the public will of who they know the public wants to vote for.

    Keep a cool head and understand that God is in charge.

    …..but keep a loaded gun and body armor handy just in case.

  2. Love Viva Frei.
    I like this thread by Jarvis, I jumped into the middle of his thread because I think it’s the most relevant point:
    “So. Congress — and only Congress — gets to pass legislation enforcing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.
    Congress did so, and it chose to enact a criminal statute that bars anyone convicted under it from holding any office in the U.S.
    Trump has not been charged or convicted under that statute.
    Therefore, Trump can appear on the ballot.”

  3. I made it till about two minutes and will finish watching this guy tonight. But one I think that is important to be cognizant of is all these people talk. They are organized like no other. And they know perfectly well that if Trump does get back in the majority of them are swinging. And the closer we get to next November the more panicked and desperate they will become. An at the same time they will continue to attack anything MAGA. So yes, truck gun, Kevlar, etc.

  4. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment never states a conviction is needed! Further dweeb, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that states it must be a Congressional decision on this! The Congressional decision was made when Section 3 of the 14th Amendment was past.
    God you are a idiot. Why don’t you add more to Section 3 because the Congress at that the time it was past, they did not.

  5. Correction using the word past should of been “passed”. Never the less, any, any claims of conviction are not in it. Nor claims it takes a further act of Congress. Moron, bills in America to pass need to pass in the House, the Senate then signed by the current sitting President.


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