Democrat Attorney Convicted in $7 Million COVID Relief Fraud Case – IOTW Report

Democrat Attorney Convicted in $7 Million COVID Relief Fraud Case

Daily Fetched: A federal jury in Georgia has convicted Democrat Attorney and former Atlanta police officer Shelitha Robertson for fraudulently obtaining over $7 million in Pay check Protection Program (PPP) loans.

Robertson, who previously ran as a Democrat to become a superior court judge, used fraudulently obtained funds for her extravagant lifestyle.

Robertson purchased a Rolls-Royce, a motorcycle, and a $148,000 10-carat diamond ring.

While Robertson received PPP loans for her multiple companies, just one was operational at the time, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

In a bizarre twist to the case, Robertson blamed her friend and attorney, Chandra Norton, for the PPP loan applications.

Norton, who was also facing a separate prosecution, pleaded guilty. more here

11 Comments on Democrat Attorney Convicted in $7 Million COVID Relief Fraud Case

  1. I don’t understand the prosecution.
    The whole purpose of the PPP (Chinese Bat Virus Relief) was the skim – did she fail to distribute it “properly?”
    Somebody didn’t get his cut?

    This is pretty small potato grift, as grifts go. $7 Million is less than a tenth of a percent of what’s being laundered through Ukraine – and certainly less than what the Biden’s have gotten in graft and corrupt practices.

    Some of our intrepid “reporters” (media hacks) should look into who got pissed and why.
    (not a defense of this crook, just curious)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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