Think tank looks to lasso ‘deep state’ by recruiting conservatives to work in government in 2025 – IOTW Report

Think tank looks to lasso ‘deep state’ by recruiting conservatives to work in government in 2025


The prominent conservative think tank Heritage Foundation has launched a major initiative titled “Project 2025” to rein in the federal bureaucracy by recruiting patriotic Americans to staff the next conservative administration. 

“You just don’t have enough time after the election to put together the government,” Heritage Foundation Executive Vice President Derrick Morgan said on “The Heritage Foundation’s 2025 Presidential Transition Project Special Report” hosted by John Solomon and premiered on Real America’s Voice. 

“We need to give the next conservative president a running start,” Morgan said.  more

12 Comments on Think tank looks to lasso ‘deep state’ by recruiting conservatives to work in government in 2025

  1. Government is the greatest evil ever created by man. Who sits on the throne makes NO DIFFERENCE. They will just become new toadies for the Deep State. Oh, and Heritage is a Deep State front organization. Their concern for liberty and freedom is all about fundraising, not promoting sound libertarian principles. The RIGHT answer is to get rid of 95% of government…and no parasite counting on a paycheck, regardless of their “conservative” viewpoint, etc. is going to work to end their own job. Grow up if you haven’t figured that out yet.

  2. ““We need to give the next conservative president a running start,””

    A little late for that. By like ten years. These conservative “think tanks” are dumber than a box of rocks. The Libtards have been doing this since right after WWII. Non elected government positions, state and feds, are jam packed with Libtard morons. Even, and especially, actually, red counties. Like mine. How does the Heritage foundation propose firing these people?

  3. To clean up the Federal Government, choose your preferred instrument:

    (a) Machete
    (b) Large meat cleaver
    (c) Manure fork
    (d) Wood chipper
    (e) Large rototiller
    (f) Garbage truck
    (g) Combine with cultivating blades
    (h) Bulldozer
    (i) Asphalt spreader and tamper-downer
    (j) World’s largest bucket loader and dump truck
    (k) Thermonuclear device, preferably from orbit

  4. ““We need to give the next conservative president a running start,” Morgan said.” And who would be the next conservative President Derrick? Telling isn’t it, that his name isn’t mentioned? Democraps and RINO’s are masters at disguise.

  5. There’s over 8000 members of the Senior Executive Service alone. Where does the Heritage Foundation think the thousands of conservative bureaucrats are going to come from?

  6. All I can say is that DeSantis is writing the playbook in Florida.
    Virginia, Iowa & South Dakota have good governors too.
    Texas & Georgia are a mixed bag.
    Same as Lombardo here in Nevada.
    Kentucky just re-elected a fucking democrat!
    It’s over, 2024 is going to be pure CHAOS!

    Merry Christmas ALL!


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