If you donated to the RNC, you probably paid for Ronna’s hair, dry cleaning, and limos – IOTW Report

If you donated to the RNC, you probably paid for Ronna’s hair, dry cleaning, and limos

Giant lips, botox…

If you’ve donated to the RNC, you might be interested to know that your contributions likely funded Rona McDaniel’s hair care, dry cleaning, and limousine services, among other assorted luxuries that have absolutely nothing to do with winning political races.

A viral post, based on the latest RNC financials, has sparked fury among Republican voters. Jennifer Van Laar, an investigative reporter at Red State, broke the story in a thread on X: MORE

22 Comments on If you donated to the RNC, you probably paid for Ronna’s hair, dry cleaning, and limos

  1. I haven’t given a dime to the RNC since W was first elected. I have sent them bottle caps in their postage paid envelopes with notes why I won’t send them a dime. They finally quit sending them to me. lol

  2. RNC, NRCC, & NRSC get nothing from me.
    And will continue to get nothing from me until they grow some balls or learn how to fight.
    The Republicans diddled each others’ assholes as the Satanic Demonrats stole the “election” in plain sight.
    They said nothing and continue to say nothing!
    “Profiles in Cowardice” is their favorite book.

    All that “me too!” and “reach across the aisle (to rub each others’ cocks)” bullshit makes me want to puke.

    FJB and FtGOP

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m with Old White Racist Woman. I stopped giving to the GOP and declared myself “Independent” years ago. This troll has proven herself to be totally incompetent and I’ll never send them any money EVER!!!

  4. RNC, NRCC, & NRSC are dollars for RINOs and the establishment.

    I support directly to the Candidates that support the issues for America not international despots and illegal “unvetted” immigrants.

  5. Got many beggings from them 1998 – 2002. Said “When you stop supporting/nominating left wingers – I WILL AGAIN DONATE. I VOTED RONNY 9 TIMES BECAUSE HE WAS CONSERVATIVE, AS AM I. I WILL NOT SEND $ TO FOLK THAT HATE THE LAND AI LOVE!”

    After 5 years the finally understood that I am conservative; and have not got any mail since!


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