Joe Biden Begs, Threatens Mexico to Reduce Migrant Flood Before 2024 Election – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Begs, Threatens Mexico to Reduce Migrant Flood Before 2024 Election

Breitbart: President Joe Biden is demoting critical border negotiations with Republicans to, instead, conduct emergency border negotiations with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The diplomatic switch comes as Biden’s flood of several million illegal migrants is further damaging his 2024 poll ratings, and as GOP leaders are using their Senate clout to demand real border reforms.

“Everything revolves around getting the Mexican government to do targeted operations” against the cartels’ migration business, one U.S. official told the Washington Post.

Biden’s problem is that he “is refusing to enforce immigration law,” Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies, noted, adding, “The [migration] numbers are unprecedented. The legacy media is starting to notice. … [So Biden] is begging Mexico for help to fix the problem instead of just using the [legal] tools he has to fix the problem right now.” MORE

14 Comments on Joe Biden Begs, Threatens Mexico to Reduce Migrant Flood Before 2024 Election

  1. Anonymous MONDAY, 25 DECEMBER 2023, 14:21 AT 2:21 PM^^^^There are probably weapons “stash houses” all over the country just like in Europe. Or just like pallets of bricks that showed up for the bl m rioters. When the call comes they will be well armed and they will not be on the side of the patriots.

  2. Hell Abbott is more concerned about sending these fucks all over America. Asshole Abbott needs to be arrested on federal charges & the book thrown at him for illegal transportation of illegal immigrants over state lines.

  3. ^^^ “Hell Biden is more concerned about sending these fucks all over America. Asshole Biden needs to be arrested on federal charges & the book thrown at him for illegal transportation of illegal immigrants over the border and state lines.”

  4. Puhleeeze, he could end it in an instant but he wants the mess. I by ‘he’, of course I mean the shadow gov’t.
    And the House isn’t confident that it has enough to convict this guy???

  5. Just cuz itz Christmas… A tribute to Jackass Joe:

    Go placidly amid the noise and waste. And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece of Sinopec.
    Avoid brilliant and strong persons.
    Inflate your tires (and your rhetoric)
    Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself (even though in your own mind there are none) and heed well their advice, though they be Liars.
    Immerse yourself in the stolen valor haze of Blue Menthol!
    Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that THREE…do.
    Whenever possible, avoid decisions. (let your handlers do all that)
    Boast about your IQ and exaggerate your achievements. Cloak your plans in “Misogyny” you dog-faced pony soldier!
    Be comforted that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment, despite the changing fortunes of time, there will always be a big future in Propaganda.
    Strive at all times to lie, deceive, destroy emails and hide classified records behind your Corvette.
    Whilst you wallow in vast fields of absolute bullshit, remember Benedict Arnold!
    Know yourself. If you need help, call Michael Avenatti.
    Exercise caution in your daily affairs, especially with those persons closest to you – that “Smartest man I know” for instance.
    Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls would drown your pedo ass.
    May democRAT crabs forever infest your waitress sandwich.
    Celebrate Joy Behar and beg for oil from Sheik Yerbouhti.
    For a good time, call 1-800-606-4311. Ask for Kamala.
    Take heart in the deepening gloom that your head-nodding, cackling VP is finally getting enough Arugula.
    Reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot, it could only be worse in Portland.
    Therefore, make peace with your god, whether you conceive him to be a hairy thunderer, or cosmic pedophile, Thanks to all your silly Hope and Change, Climate lies, White guilt, Liberal Bed-Wetting, Pants-shitting, Jihad-coddling, Common-Core, CRT, Trump-blaming and bald-faced lies about the Conservative Basket of Deplorables, our world continues to deteriorate.
    You are a Fluke of the Universe.
    You have no right to be here (regardless of 81 Million so-called “votes”)
    – and whether you can hear it or not the Universe is laughing behind your you Open Borders, Gay-obsessed, pearl-clutching, bead-strumming, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, hair-sniffing, crooked ass pedophile!


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