Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut – IOTW Report

Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut

GP: The year is ending on an upbeat note for the Russian Federation troops that have just conquered the heavily fortified town of Maryinka, in the outskirts of Donetsk city.

This is a major development, the biggest since Moscow troops regained the initiative, and also the greatest achievement since they gained control of Avdiivka (Bakhmut) in May.

By taking Maryinka, the Russians have significantly pushed back the Ukrainian artillery. For years, Kiev used Maryinka has a key launching pad for drone and artillery strikes against civilians in Donetsk.

“Putin said control of the town, which was once home to 10,000 people, will allow the Russian forces to move enemy combat units away from Donetsk.

‘Our troops (now) have the opportunity to reach a wider operational area’, he said in a video of the exchange between him and Shoigu posted online by a Kremlin journalist.”

This comes after Ukraine launched a failed counteroffensive aimed at retaking land in the country’s south and east, including Bakhmut. more

13 Comments on Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut

  1. We love Russian violence, gives us hope. Truth is they (your fellow Russian comrades) lost in other areas. Yet it drags on, soon Ukrainian F-16 will be bombing the fuck out of the communist aggressors.

  2. The Ukrainians should never have taunted the Russians with them joining NATO or the European Union. Russia is absolutely right to NOT tolerate that on their borders.
    As well, I have posted before that because of what Ukraine did in World War II, it is going to take 7 generations (140 years) before they will enjoy peace and prosperity. This is the same reason why the Kennedy family is cursed, because Joe Kennedy was a major “asshole” in the 1920’s.

  3. Fock Russia & Vlad. Russia lost 18 million during WWII, of that 6.8 million were Ukrainians. Lets say Russia eventually wins. Tell me how far a Nato country will be from that border? You are FULL of it.

  4. Using my crystal ball,” it is going to take 7 generations (140 years) before they will enjoy peace and prosperity. Do you do tarot cards too? I have a feeling that Vlad might not be around in another 140 years. Ya think?

  5. @ Our Resident Troll

    F-16’s are an Eighties design. No airplane that was designed in the Eighties is a match for Russia’s latest air defense missiles. I was in Army intel in Eighties, so studied the situation. The US and the USSR were constantly leap frogging each other. US would have, say, the best tank. Then the USSR (mostly Russian Designers and Engineers would top it) Then US would forge ahead. Same thing for jets. There was always rough equality

    Then the USSR began to collapse and we forged way ahead. Then we de-industrialized, and Russia caught up. And now Russia is forging ahead

    And even if the F16 were a game changer on the front, which I doubt, how you gonna keep em in the air? Russia will destroy the fuel stores. Jet fuel is highly explosive. How big a charge do you need to blow a jet fuel depot sky high? A carelessly tossed cigarette could do it. Russia could destroy the fuel supply with ease with a drone swarm

    There is no game changer. You cant beat Russia on its home turf


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