Where Are They Putting Those Tampons? – IOTW Report

Where Are They Putting Those Tampons?

Tampons now offered in Canadian Parliament men’s bathrooms under Trudeau’s new policy.


NYP- Tampons and sanitary napkins are now available in men’s bathrooms at the Canadian Parliament under a new policy from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that requires all federally regulated employers — including airports and military bases — to offer free menstrual products in all washrooms, regardless of gender noted on the door.

News of the policy change spread last week after former Canadian Conservative Sen. Linda Frum posted a photo of a basket offering free pads and tampons inside a men’s bathroom for transgender members of Parliament — setting off a firestorm online.

“Back in the day, when only women menstruated, we had to pay for our own products. But now that men menstruate too, these products, as of this week, are mandated to be free in all men’s washrooms in all federal workplaces, including Parliament Hill — where this photo was taken today,” Frum posted on X.

An anonymous account called @HOCstaffer (for the House of Commons) later confirmed the report.

“They’re also going to build dispensers for all the tampons which won’t be used since 1) men don’t menstruate and 2) they are just going to bring them home to their wives for free,” the anonymous account argued. more

18 Comments on Where Are They Putting Those Tampons?

  1. The goal is not to make a few freaks happy nor to piss off normals. The freaks will never be happy, they will always be aggrieved and demand more. The actual goal is to cause confusion in the populace along with a sense of helplessness in the face of insanity, and to raise a generation of children with no rules, boundaries or grounding in reality.

  2. A guy used to come into the bar I worked at and order a red beer (beer and tomato juice). One day, I soaked a tampon in tomato juice and when he ordered, I used it like a tea bag in the beer. He wasn’t amused. The paper that tampons came in was also good for cigarette paper in a pinch.

  3. @ Doug Wakeman Wednesday, 27 December 2023, 15:42 at 3:42 pm,
    SPOT ON BROTHER! Hope you and the Ms. are doing well and had a great Christmas.

  4. And what will happen with the real women if they happen to come in and take a few? Guaranteed there will be backlash for that. God forbid if a woman goes into a man’s bathroom. Absolutely sick and tired of this trans bullshit.


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