2023 Is a Year of Record Cold Temperatures – Media Blackout – IOTW Report

2023 Is a Year of Record Cold Temperatures – Media Blackout

During 2023, the corporate media has been dominated by reports of allegedly record-breaking heatwaves, wildfires, and droughts.

According to the media, this is all the result of the so-called “climate crisis.”

In 2022, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned us it was “code red for humanity.”

This was due to supposed “global warming” caused by CO2 emissions from human activities.

In 2023, Guterres upped the ante when he introduced his latest ultra-hyped rhetoric and declared: “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”

The UN chief made the fearmongering statement during the hot weather in the summer for maximum effect.

Around the same time, the media pushed the claims that July was the hottest on record.

This conveniently coincided with reports of “apocalyptic” wildfires in the Mediterranean (Spain, Greece, and Italy), the U.S., Hawaii, and Canada. More

21 Comments on 2023 Is a Year of Record Cold Temperatures – Media Blackout

  1. There’s only one use for an apocalypse: decrease the surplus population!

    Whether there really is apocalypse or not, the elite would like you to wish you were dead because YOU’RE killing the planet – and then get to it.

  2. Having spent New Year’s eve pulling my motorcycle engine in the parking lot in a tee-shirt in Minot North Dakota 40 years ago, the global baloney church-ladies protesteth too much.

  3. Harry, I think it’s because they perceive the #1, negative, human emotion to be ‘guilt.’ And the second is ‘shame.’

    What we need right now from billions and billions (!) of people is that quintessential American emotion…


  4. Years ago in the 50’s, 60’s and early 70’s most people could see and understand the weather, the 30 year climate cycle and the four seasons. Today, the people have been dumbed down thru poisons put in the water, food and air. CO2 is not a poison but food for plants, chemtrails are the poison. Chemtrails form a blanket over the land and hold the heat in and reduces the sunlight plants need for photosynthesis. They all line up like dick sucking morons and listen to this idiotic democrap garbage spewing out of the government propaganda sources known as main stream media. The elite are killing the planet along with killing the people and they are too stupid to realize the ruling wealthy are killing everything. Little hope for mankind at this point.

  5. Ghost, not too cold and not too hot and just the right amount of rain and sun for my beets and potatoes (okay, also beans, squashes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, garlic, basil, rosemary, dill weed… oh God, please bring me another Spring!)

  6. We still haven’t hardly had any snow yet in Spokane and N. Idaho. It was beautiful on Christmas day to watch all the eagles on CDA Lake with blue skies, it was cold but no breeze and there were lots of eagles this year. Kirby loved it especially the dead fish carcasses down on the beach that he managed to roll in and stunk like hell all the way home. We’re in the high 30’s to lower 40’s for the next week and no signs of any snow. Even the local ski resorts opened up late this year because of lack of snow on Mt. Spokane, Schweitzer Mtn. in Sandpoint, Idaho and other local ski resorts. And I’m loving every bit of it, it’s nice to have a mild Winter so far for a change.

  7. Imagine actually believing this shit, because this is exactly what they are telling you: The size of your carbon footprint on earth directly affects the temperature of the sun.

    The simplest explanations are the best and most accurate. I’m done with progs and their long winded hoop jumping manifestos about literally everything from civil rights to biology to science to political science and everything in between.

  8. @ecp
    My sister-in-law has fallen for this hook line and sinker. Every decision she makes is based on her “carbon footprint” – down to deciding on a trip to the grocery store.
    PS – She’s a libtard who claims she is Catholic. What a hypocrite!

  9. AND they’re talking about building some big shield to keep the sun off the earth again. These people won’t be happy until they actually do change the climate. And it will be for the worse. They need to be stopped.

  10. Brad – Right you are!
    Jesus H Christ!! Where the Hell do these Assholes think the Earth gets !!ALL!! its energy from???
    Need anymore proof that they are attempting to destroy Man?


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