WEF Member: Reducing Human Population by 90% Would Help Achieve ‘Net Zero’ – IOTW Report

WEF Member: Reducing Human Population by 90% Would Help Achieve ‘Net Zero’


A World Economic Forum (WEF) member has touted a shocking suggestion for meeting the globalist organization’s “Net Zero” targets.

English primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall, who the WEF lists as one of its “agenda contributors,” told her fellow globalists that they could “save the planet” from “global warming” if the Earth’s population was 90 percent smaller than it is today.

Goodall argues that all of the WEF’s “problems” would be solved if fewer humans were walking the Earth.

She made the statement during a panel discussion at the organization’s annual summit in Davos, Switzerland.

The panel was discussing plans for achieving “Net Zero” to comply with the targets for “Agenda 2030” as dictated by the WEF and its fellow unelected globalist organization – the United Nations. more

39 Comments on WEF Member: Reducing Human Population by 90% Would Help Achieve ‘Net Zero’

  1. The world would be a much better place if we could get all the WEF members, all the UN ambassadors, and all the “climate change” bureaucrats and NGO drones to go to a grand conference in San Francisco, and then drop a couple dozen MOABs¹ on San Francisco.

    There are more that ought to go, but the above would be an excellent start.

    1. My first thought was a nuke, but I don’t want to mess up the Sonoma and Napa vineyards.

  2. “Goodall argues that all of the WEF’s “problems” would be solved if fewer humans were walking the Earth.”

    And all the humans of the world wouldn’t have any “problems” if 100% of WEF wasn’t walking the earth any more.

  3. “1. My first thought was a nuke, but I don’t want to mess up the Sonoma and Napa vineyards.”

    It would be worth the sacrifice.

    You can grow grapes elsewhere. It ain’t so special that it outweigh the benefit of none of those people being around any more.

  4. If the gloom and doom predictions of the climate change (or global warming, or global cooling, or global-staying-the-same) scenario are correct, then billions of people will die (or have already died according to the global warming folks prior predictions), and this will not only take care of Goodall’s population concern, but the resulting economic and social system collapse will also take care of climate change and the earth can heal itself. Goodall must have spent too much time recently courting her primates; many economists are now concerned about a collapse due to falling fertility rates.

    Of course, such a decrease in population (eliminating 90% of the current estimated population of 8 billion people would leave about 800 million folks world wide) will render the WEF and the UN toothless and unnecessary; it seems likely that hungry people will hunt down these pasty (and perhaps tasty) and useless “leaders” for food. And don’t get me started about the massive decrease in Facebook “likes” or Twitter re-tweets if this depopulation happens or who will refuel and service their private jets for future Davos conferences.

  5. Brad – I remember when the joke was trying to remember what Henry’s last name was…

    Me: Didja hear who Nixon’s wife was seeing – ahhhh, that Henry… Henry… Oh what the hell’s his name…

    Other guy: Kissinger?

    Me: NO! Fuckin her!

  6. Found out this afternoon a neighbors 27 year old boy, fully vaccinated, can no longer work due to heart issues. He has been working over seven years for a tree removal outfit. Has been in great health up until this year, is not over weight either. A good kid. This is urinating this vet off.

  7. Every time I hear these idiots I cannot help but think of the plot of the movie “Kingsman: The Secret Service.” They all want to be the Samuel L. Jackson character.
    The elites want to get rid of all the ‘little people,’ but were they successful, who is going to clean their mansions? Fix their cars? Clear their plumbing? Maintain their private jets? You don’t think anyone like John Kerry is going to get his hands dirty, do you?
    They haven’t thought this all the way through. They need the ‘common folk’ a lot more than the common folk need the limousine liberals!

  8. As the present Milankovitch optimum draws to a close, (AKA, “winter is coming,”) the human population may shrink by 90%, … unless humanity can inject sufficient CO2 into the atmosphere AND create sufficient urban heat islands to stave off the cold.

  9. If you’re talking a sci-fi solution, why don’t you all try “Logan’s Run”?
    Then all you old motherfuckers that think you’re going to live forever by killing a bunch of fellow humans would already have died.

  10. We are the carbon they want to eliminate. They don’t have to kill anyone, it can be done through attrition it will just take longer. I wonder what other side effects we can expect from their vaccines and engineered diseases – sterility?

  11. “500 years ago, as Goodall, a renowned anthropologist, would know, the population of humans was approximately 435 million.”

    What is this Globalist fixation with less than half a billion people as the magic number? Before they were dynamited, the first commandment carved on the Georgia Guide Stones said to “maintain the earth’s population at less than 500,000,000”. Those stones were set up decades ago, so this magic number has been around for a while, also in other mankind-hating forums. I’d like to hear the sciencism behind it.

  12. They’re afraid. They’re scared. They’re actually weak. Strong of word but otherwise weak. If we recognize that and use that to our advantage, their efforts can be neutralized. Eliminating five, perhaps ten may be all it will take. Or, a worldwide commitment to rebuild Davos Switzerland after the fact.

    A 2011 article from American Thinker that I’ve bookmarked is below.


    The Socialist Phobia of Scarcity.

  13. Clinging to Malthus’s erroneous theory.
    These people are dangerous and need to be neutralized.
    Satan’s minions, one and all.
    Sadly, my gut tells me that God is pissed, and that these clowns are part of the coming scourge and chastisement. They will wreak much havoc before they are killed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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