Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Refuses to Testify Under Oath About Voting Machines – IOTW Report

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Refuses to Testify Under Oath About Voting Machines

GP: As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this year – the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Georgia unsealed the 96-page Halderman Report in June 2023- the Security Analysis of Georgia’s ImageCast X Ballot Marking Devices.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was hiding this report from the public for two years.

University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Halderman and Security Researcher and Assistant Professor at Auburn University Drew Sringall collaborated on the report where they discovered many exploitable vulnerabilities in the Dominion Voting Systems’ ImageCast X system.

Far-left Georgia Judge Amy Totenberg sealed and covered up the results of the investigation on Dominion voting machines in Georgia and sat on the report for two years until its release last summer.

The report confirms that votes can be altered in the Dominion voting machines.  In fact, the report reveals that the Dominion software is vulnerable and can be hacked.

Trump-hating Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger hid this information from the public until June 2023. more here

19 Comments on Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Refuses to Testify Under Oath About Voting Machines

  1. Death penalty for voter/election fraud is the ONLY cure for this.

    Those who commit the fraud, those who finance the fraud, those who cover up the fraud, and those who support the fraud – ALL need to be killed.

    Voter/Election Fraud is TREASON – it undermines the foundation of the Republic.
    It is a de facto usurpation and disenfranchisement of the sovereign – We the People.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Just as important to point out – Georgia is NOT the only place this happened! Remember the Red curve and the Blue curve showing that Trump was in the lead the whole way? Keep in mind that the Blue curve for Biden had already been jacked up by voting machine fraud, ballot harvesting, overwhelming mail-in voting, dead people and about six other ways to Sunday to cheat!

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaannd IT STILL WASN’T ENOUGH!!

    That’s why they had to shut everything down and work like roaches in the night to outright fix the result to give Jackass Joe a straight line up to the finish line… as in just enough to “win”! There is no question that massive cheating happened. It just can’t be proven in the corrupt monkey courts!

  3. When they steal the 2024 election, and they most certainly will, the people have a quick choice to make, accept their servitude or fight back. By fight back I mean a noisy, bloody, deadly and if necessary a protracted asymmetrical actual fight. We don’t own 400 million guns for nothing.

  4. Hmmm. What is he afraid of, perjury maybe? Living in Az. at the time, the precinct across the road had more Biden votes than registered voters, plus Trump votes. And the communists insist it was a fair election.

  5. You mean the same machines that got him reelected in 2022, when all of us down here knew what a crook he was and were out for his hide? I can see why he’d be hiding behind a phalanx of lawyers and slow-walking fixes for the fraud. But I have a feeling that he’s a marked man, with the underside of a bus in his future.

  6. “The report confirms that votes can be altered in the Dominion voting machines. In fact, the report reveals that the Dominion software is vulnerable and can be hacked.” Just one more piece of “no evidence” to add to all the other 15,325.

  7. TonyR, I’m guessing ”Ongoing Investigation”, “No Standing” or “National Security” or a bariation on one or more of the above. Although “Just Shut Up” had it’s own merits.

  8. Repeating for emphasis!

    KEMP + RAFFY ARE “BUSH REPUBLICANS”! They brougdht GWB’s Canucks to “count” (fabricate is what DOMINION did! GWB has known for cecades, ” .. it who counts the votes!”!) the votes!

    Bush/Soros team have openly been against Don since ’15! Still are!

    for emphasis

    El Rusbo was 100% right in ’98. “BUSH REPUBLICaNS ARE DEMOCRATS!”! !?@#!$%

    GWB is still a DEMOCRAT!


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