NYC Mayor Adams Suggests Migrant Crisis Will Result In Rampant Crime – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor Adams Suggests Migrant Crisis Will Result In Rampant Crime

DC Enquirer:

Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams raised concerns that the city’s migrant crisis will create more crime during a press conference Tuesday.

Migrants that are arriving and unable to work in the U.S. legally have become a challenge for the city, Adams said during the news conference, where he was asked about rising crime. Out of the more than 100,000 migrants that have arrived to the city, only 2,200 have been approved for work permits, Anne Williams-Isom, the city’s deputy mayor for health and human services, said.

“When I talk about the devastation impact that the migrant and asylum seekers, people only think about the volume of people that are coming in. There are byproducts to this, cuts to services, like we had to postpone a police class, looking at some of the budgetary cuts, having a body of people, many young, who can’t work,” Adams said. more

23 Comments on NYC Mayor Adams Suggests Migrant Crisis Will Result In Rampant Crime

  1. It’s snowing again in south central MO.

    G-d Bless. And a Happy New Year.

    When I was a child I liked snow. Not so much, now.

    Liberals are refuse. Hang ALL of them.


  2. Couple of more turds in the cesspool – nothing to get excited about – unless the septic tank that is NYC is starting to overflow.

    Shortly it’ll be every turd for itself.
    And guess who’ll be better equipped, both physically and mentally, to survive?
    The sheeple or the violent parasitic invaders?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Who could have possibly predicted this outcome?

    Not even the towering intellect of Neal DeGrasse Tyson could have worked it out in advance.

    Every multicultural and diversity calculation predicted joy, harmony, and abundance.

    The only solution is to give them voting rights and send them to red states.

  4. How noble the leftist African King of New York is to declare his city a sanctuary and welcome the diversity and all the benefits it brings to the city and country. It certainly plays well during the campaign among the like minded. Then reality sets in when faced with actual immigrants and the myriad of problems that follow them. Ah, only then does the true nature of these altruistic leaders / residents of these liberal fantasy lands like New York and Martha’s Vineyard reveal itself. “My liberal ideology / agenda is what’s best for thee but not for me.” Hypocrites All!

  5. Captain Obvious: Is there a greater form of treason than to allow ones country to be invaded without attempting to prevent, stop, or desist said illigrants?

    I put forward several names for immediate consequences – Joe Biden, Chuckles Schumer, Nasty Piglosi, the entire cast of Rinos in congress. Eric Adams is a secondary enabler.

  6. Mister Mayor, hate to tell ya’, but crime has always been rampant in your City. You advocated for criminal invaders and welfare rats just because they’ll always vote for democrats. You got your wish; happy now, dumbass? So, suck it up buttercup. FJB and remember: Nothing cures liberalism faster than becoming a victim of your own belief. Too bad 50% of New York voters will never figure that out.

  7. “NYC Mayor Adams Suggests Migrant Crisis Will Result In Rampant Crime”
    Captain Obvious sez, “NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!”


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