AZ: Abe Hamadeh Files Quo Warranto Against AG Mays – IOTW Report

AZ: Abe Hamadeh Files Quo Warranto Against AG Mays

“By what authority” is Mays in the office of AG?
(And by what authority is Biden in his office? And Gov. Kemp, and Gov. Hobbs, and…)

12 Comments on AZ: Abe Hamadeh Files Quo Warranto Against AG Mays

  1. Unfortunately the corrupt courts continue to fail us, leaving us little choice going forward. If the cheating continues unabated in November ‘24 (and it will, thanks to feckless RINOs), it will be our last chance to act.

  2. Did y’all forget what Mark Twain said about wrestling with a pig? That you’ll both get dirty and the pig will love it!

    If you’re smart you will NOT respond to or even read anything posted by ANONYMOUS whoever or what ever it is.



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