UNRWA is a Terrorist Organization – IOTW Report

UNRWA is a Terrorist Organization

It has become the very thing it was founded to defeat.

13 Comments on UNRWA is a Terrorist Organization

  1. As we needed “another” reason to leave the UN and have the UN leave the U.S.

    It should also be acknowledged that the U.S. interests to promote the welfare of humankind and the basic rights of every human spirit has fallen short the last 6 decades. (Monroe Doctrine) We have become the World’s Policeman and manipulated foreign governments and their elections to install regimes contrary to their citizen’s rights. Yet today we fund $75 Billion to Ukraine (assuming our Government is fully reporting true figures; “You don’t have permission to access “http://www.foreignassistance.gov/” on this server.),

    All at U.S. Taxpayer’s expense.
    · Bring the troops home.
    · Stop using foreign aid for Nation Building.
    · End strategic ambiguity and lies of foreign aid.

  2. It is a pipe dream to think that by sitting down with thugs and giving them a great deal of say in things will lead to peace. All it has done is legitimize the thugs and giving them more power than they would have had otherwise.

    The UN has outlived it’s usefulness. Henry Cabot Lodge (the elder) was right to speak out against the League of Nations a hundred years ago.


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