Portland Is An Outhouse – IOTW Report

Portland Is An Outhouse

Homeless fecal matter behind explosion of Shigella cases in Portland.

*Shigella is caused by bacteria found in feces. Only a tiny amount needs to get into your mouth to pass it on – for example, from your fingers. It’s often caused by contaminated food but it can also be passed on sexually. Sex that may involve contact with feces is a risk.

The path of transmission of shigellosis is mostly via the fecal-oral route in developed countries and fecal-oral route, water-borne or food-borne in developing countries. [13] However, it can also be transmitted sexually especially in men who have sex with men [11][14] or by flies. Humans are the only natural reservoir for shigella.

16 Comments on Portland Is An Outhouse

  1. Cynic
    THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 2024, 14:06 AT 2:06 PM
    ‘“…Sex that may involve contact with feces…”

    That’s not on my radar.’

    …the next guy you shake hands with might enjoy it, tho, but I doubt you’d get full disclosure…

  2. Seems trying to develop a clean, considerate, low-crime & prosperous society becomes impossible when you allow all kinds of DEI & degeneracy loose upon it.
    Who would have thunk it?

  3. Yo, mister Putin. I know you guys are busy working on your nuclear missile targeting priorities and all that, but can I interrupt you for a minute? Word on the street is that Portland’s Mayor is bad mouthing you and said he hopes you didn’t get anything for Christmas.

  4. “Don’t drink the water” was a phrase used to warn people about drinking from taps in certain backward places. Now it can be applied to those going to Portland, OR.

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