Uniparty/Media Hardest Hit – IOTW Report

Uniparty/Media Hardest Hit

DONALD TRUMP EXONERATED IN UNSEALED EPSTEIN DOCUMENTS: “Did you ever massage Donald Trump?” “No.” “Did you ever see Donald Trump at Jeffrey’s (Epstein’s) home?” “Not that I can remember”. “On his island?” “No. Not that I can remember.” RIP to

@CNN and

@MSNBC Your days of falsely accusing President Donald Trump of being an Epstein loving pedophile are over. Also, everyone knows Trump BANNED Epstein from Mar a Lago when women said #Epstein was a creep toward them. Another Trump victory. #Trump2024

There are reports that Hillary Clinton disabled her comments on X a couple of days ago.

11 Comments on Uniparty/Media Hardest Hit

  1. The Main Stream Media is, and has been complicit in all of this for a very long time.

    It’s time to abandon the MSM 100%, including FOX.

    I’ve been paying close attention to this for over 6 years now and it’s just getting started. Dominoes are going to start falling little by little.

  2. And Salty Cracker & Gateway Pundit let it be known Trump was the only one who would help get Epstein the sleazy pedo.
    To have so many powerful and famous people covering all the Pedophile Isle goings on up tells us a lot about the media and govt. It’s disturbing and really shows the hypocrisy and good vs evil battle.

  3. The MEDIA will continue to LIE so they can get a substantial amount of people to still believe Trump is well connected to Epstein.
    We are living in a world of disinformation.


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