This Never Happened – IOTW Report

This Never Happened

This never happened. No police officer was killed as a result of January 6th. Brian died of natural causes. The only people who “died” were Trump Supporters and the persecuted who committed suicide under threat from the federal government.

10 Comments on This Never Happened

  1. What about the “suicides” or four more Police officers?
    Once is an Incident, Twice is a Coincidence, Three time is a Pattern, Four times is… well your figure it out!

  2. This moron still walks around like a broken record and says Trump called KKK/nazis “fine people” even when Trump wasn’t even acknowledging that group of people. It was the MEDIA who was fixated on them.

    This guy is a Dirtbag. Apologies to all other dirtbags (I’m using the proper term for biden).

  3. Ghost

    You mis quoted your self.

    It was Engles and Marx that said that! over 150 years ago. Adi implemented it well!

    What you said in 1940 was, “Its easier to get folk to believe a big lie than a bitty one>”!

    No more VierBach for you lad! Betrunken Du!


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