Make Chicago American Again – IOTW Report

Make Chicago American Again

Black Chicagoans are increasing their calls to “turn Chicago red” in the coming elections in response to the growing border crisis that has flooded their neighborhoods with illegal aliens at the behest of “welcoming” Mayor Brandon Johnson. more

14 Comments on Make Chicago American Again

  1. The plantation should be throwing oranges at their Chocolate Jesus. It is that muslim (fake Christian), half-white, Kenyan/Hawaiian fraud who did more damage to “African Americans” than the most heinous KKKer in the Deep South.

  2. They’ve accounted for losing a certain amount of their traditional voter block. And if they need more, they’ll just ship more replacement voters in to what ever specific area they need them.

  3. Not a chance.

    More than 70 years as a democrat shithole, what’s going to change it now? A mayor that blames a republican governor for sending illegals? Nope, that’ll make them vote democrat harder. Regardless of what the reality of the situation is.

    Chicago doesn’t even own its street parking. They sold them to Abu Dhabi to cover a funding gap during the financial crisis on a 75 year contract. If the city wants to remove spots to build whatever, they have to pay money for those spots as if they were active. During the coof when restaurants set up in the street taking up parking spots, the city was required to make direct payments as if the spots were making revenue. It all leaves the country.

    Chicago doesn’t even own the Chicago Skyway. It also is not American owned. All that toll money leaves the country.

    Chicago makes horrible deals and taxes its citizens to death. The solution to fix it is to vote harder for democrats, of course. One day Chicago will elect a black lesbian troll with security detail that puts secret service to shame and actually keep her around for a few terms, that’s when everything will finally be the best it can be.

  4. “Chicago makes horrible deals and taxes its citizens to death.”
    Well la-di-da. Texas is playing fast catch-up. Horrible decisions along with Abbott raising property taxes thru the roof. Jackass Abbott wins the 👎👎 award.

  5. Shitcago is a lost cause, it will never be the great city it was before. When the blacks and now the illegals infiltrate there is nothing left for the white man who created it in the first place. No apologies

  6. Chicago is just fine, been doing the same business for decades. Wet cream-dream promise, “I’m gonna turn democratic cites around, WTF? Look asswipe, criminals aren’t gonna fix criminals, derp!

  7. Tim FDJT & all the other ijits, you lose, you will never win, but destined to always lose, put ur tinfoil hats on, ask your mama fer anudder samswich in her basement for that will always be, ur life, the end.

  8. Anonymous, what you mean lose? Democrats don’t even have opposition. Duhhh. What’s hilarious is thinking these outraged black folks even thinking there is a republican alternative. There’s not.

  9. I appreciate that she is waking up to what the democrats are doing, but all she is asking for is for the free money to keep going to the blacks, not the illegals.

    How about rising up and not asking for the free money? And if you can’t do it in your blue state, you can in a Red one. I live in a Red one and there is plenty of opportunity for everyone.

    Just don’t come to my state and start asking for “your” free money back.

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