Speaker Johnson announces spending deal to avert shutdown – IOTW Report

Speaker Johnson announces spending deal to avert shutdown

It’s not a one and done deal. Everyone knows this. – story

26 Comments on Speaker Johnson announces spending deal to avert shutdown

  1. I “knew” something was up when they finally ended Jim Jordan’s run for speakership and voted for Mikey immediately. It was planned by the Ds and RINOs.

    At first, I tried to remain hopeful, but it’s just not the right time. Don’t know when that will be, but I trust God’s plan, whatever it is.

  2. There are two choices:

    (1) Continue funding the government until it is completely insolvent with money created by endless credit and inflation which steals the average American’s wealth which promotes corruption and government crime;


    (2) Shut the government down and admit that all the deficits and their programs have been a fraud, thievery and based on a fake, unconstitutional money system owned and run by foreigners. Ask God for a miracle on how to change things so it even CAN reopen.


    Nuke us from orbit.

  3. Another fukkin maggot.

    This asshole should be pushing for a budget – a REAL budget.
    But what’s he doing? Playing the same fukkin smash and grab the totalitarians have adopted – “continuing resolution” whereby every fukkin maggot can steal from the taxpayers.

    Why we tolerate it is mind-boggling.

    Secure the borders.
    Stop the electoral steal.
    Execute the traitors.
    Execute the grifters.
    Dismantle the FBI, “Homeland Security,” and the DOJ.
    Defund Ukraine.
    Defund the UN.
    Abide by the Constitution.

    It’s pretty fukkin simple, even for a simpleton.
    Johnson’s one of THEM – not an American by any stretch of the imagination.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Butt Mexico will pay fer it!
    Get real, the jig is up, republicons/MAGA will never sign anyting on ANY boarder (trump spelling) agreement. It would make Biden look too good.
    So eat shit & die liars!

  5. Wow, the Trolls seem very angry tonight. I mean they’re still cowardly pieces of shit, but angry. I guess the last one was after some smelly butt sex today and didn’t get any.

  6. Newt Gingrich 1993-1997
    Dennis Hastert 1999-2007
    John Boehner 2011-2015
    Paul Ryan 2015-2019
    Kevin McCarthy Jan. 7, 2023 – October 3, 2023
    Mike Johnson October 25, 2023 to present.

    Republican’s (RINOs) eat their own leadership and follow democrat’s lead.
    The RINOs elect weak speakers, to satisfy the uni-party establishment. The Last 5 GOP speakers have been appeasers.

    Then the RINO Republican part wonder why they can’t keep control of the House or Senate.

    And gop chairwoman ronna mcdaniel is incompetent and over-paid establishment empty suit. But Mittens Romney thinks she’s great !


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