UN Demands $150 Trillion to End Bad Weather – IOTW Report

UN Demands $150 Trillion to End Bad Weather

What a waste of prime parking spaces. – story

31 Comments on UN Demands $150 Trillion to End Bad Weather

  1. I’m not going to feel sorry for these godless low lifes when they wake up in Hades and realize that the overheated conditions down there cannot be rectified no matter how much stolen money you throw at it. Justice will finally be served.

  2. The UN is a failure in all aspects envisioned by those who created it.

    Get the US out of the UN ! NOW !

    Get the UN out of the US ! NOW !

    Send it to the Socialists/Communists at the EU.

  3. Don’t stop at the UN, include NATO, WEF, NIH, WHO, AMA, NCI, World Climate Foundation,…………, and all the NGO’s that aren’t actually elected and for sale to the highest bidder.

  4. “The UN can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch to show what a lying stinken filthy piece of shit they really are.”

    LMAOF. If they are successful at sucking that chrome off a bumper hitch, I’m curious how that proves they’re filthy pieces of shit. So if there’s chrome left when they’re done sucking they’re actually an honorable organization. Are you doing Peyote tonight? To funny.

  5. When originally founded one of the UN’s mission statements was to eliminate any “Unique Governments”. That’s us. Research it. The UN is an enemy that we finance. Pretty funny ain’t it.

  6. I’m thinking that the first thing we should try is to conduct human sacrifices to appease the weather gods. We throw Al Gore, John Kerry, Greta Thunberg, Zuckerberg, Gates, and the rest of the “Warners” into a volcano and see if that works. If it doesn’t, then that’s okay. I mean while it may not help it certainly can’t hurt (at least us).

  7. “In a sane world, the masses would storm the UN and slaughter everyone inside.” -Dr. Hambone

    You’re giving us ideas. It would be nice to live in a sane world.

  8. Give the UN Zimbabwe dollars.
    Zimbabwe’s part of the UN, isn’t it?
    And in the interest of equity, social justice, racial comity, and all that bullshit, they should be proud to be paid in Zimbabwe dollars.

    Fuck em – fuck em all.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. And just how is the You-N! going to
    end bad weather ?

    They CAN’T and They WON’T

    They just want to rob Uncle SAP

    Even though China, Russia, India, Indonesia and North Korea
    should courageously step forward to finance this great
    humanitarian undertaking.


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