Appeals Court Blocks California Law Banning Firearms in Public Places – IOTW Report

Appeals Court Blocks California Law Banning Firearms in Public Places

The law, which would have gone into effect on January 1, banned guns from 26 public places including banks, zoos, churches, and public parks.  more

23 Comments on Appeals Court Blocks California Law Banning Firearms in Public Places

  1. As if a criminal cares about your stupid law. Murder is also illegal, and that doesn’t stop murder. Most mass-shootings take place in “gun-free” areas, because there is less likelihood of return fire. These progressive lawmakers are delusional. Finally a bit of common sense from the 9th Circuit.

  2. honest officer, its was my lawn mower backfire. oh, small engines are illegal too? (officer posturing sidearm). love to ride my 3hp briggs powered mini bike with accompanied open carry side arm.

  3. There’s a church in TX where there would have been a massacre if not for concealed-carry bravery.
    Too bad the CA legislature is only interested in citizen’s money, not their lives.
    Stupid is as stupid does.

  4. This law was in effect for 6 days. NOBODY stopped carrying. F them. This bill is a copy of a law they passed in New York. Almost verbatim. Regulating “Sensitive” places. Like parking lots. You know, where a good majority of gun crimes take place. The NY law was found unconstitutional. What kills me is the way the Nazi Media is reporting this. People can now carry in Federal Buildings, Courts, School Yards, Hospitals and Churches. Are they really that stupid or just that disingenuous?

  5. Texas law prohibits declaring places “sensitive” (without a clear justification) as a back door method of restricting the right to bear arms. There are defined sensitive places in the law, and businesses can declare themselves to be gun-free if they so choose, but no “the downtown shopping area is a sensitive area and no guns are allowed” shenanigans.

  6. Brad: in Texas, a LICENSED person can be on school grounds with a gun but cannot enter a building.

    Federal buildings are covered by federal law (I know you know that). A person cannot carry a gun on federal property anymore than he can bring marijuana into a federal building even if it is legal in the state.

    But we know better than to expect the MSM to be truthful.

  7. RadioMattM

    I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. The MSN is reporting due to this law being halted that people can now carry in Federal Buildings, Courts, School Yards, Hospitals and Churches.
    School grounds also are required to comply with Federal Law.
    Bottom line is libtards still direct their fear at an inanimate object. Very stupid people that only make matters worse in every aspect of life.

  8. Texas GFZ include places that make 51+% of their money serving alcohol and professional sporting events. Most medical facilities are covered, too.

    It does allow licensed carriers to be in airports up to the TSA checkpoints with a gun and, should you forget you are carrying and try to go through the checkpoint with your gun, you get reprimanded and told to go back and give it to someone but you are not arrested or charged with the crime of trying to bring it through the checkpoint.

    While businesses can declare themselves to be gun free, they 1) have to have it posted (in both Spanish and English) with up to three(x2 to cover Spanish) signs with specified details covering which of the three laws they are declaring. Those laws are 30.05 which prohibit unlicensed carry, 30.06 which prohibit licensed concealed carry, and 30.07 which covered licensed open carry. It is funny how some places will have 30.06 and 30.07 signs thinking they ban all carrying, but the only apply to licensed carry. Unlicensed people can still carry according to those signs. In any event, police won’t do anything until a representative of the business asks the person to leave (and he doesn’t) and it is only a trespassing charge.

  9. ^^^^
    The Civil Codes you are quoting are almost universal. It’s the same in California. I have an AZ and a UT permit which allows me to carry in 37 states, I think. GOA has a web site that will give you a quick run down of anything strange per states civil codes. They are all almost identical.

  10. The big mall close to us says they use sniffer dogs to sniff out weapons. Frankly, I wonder by what authority they think they have that they think they can have a dog come up and sniff at people. Also, considering how expensive those dogs are to train, I doubt that they 1) really exist and, if they do, 2) they or their handlers are really qualified. Even if I were not carrying, I would tell them where they could shove it if the dog came up to sniff me. The mall needs me as a customer more than I need the mall. Just about every place I would want to go has outside entrances that are not marked. Along with the outside entrances to the mall, it is the mall entrances from the outside stores that have the signs. The outside stores do not have signs on their outside entrances.

  11. RadioMattM
    MONDAY, 8 JANUARY 2024, 14:42 AT 2:42 PM
    “The big mall close to us says they use sniffer dogs to sniff out weapons.”

    …rich people mall near where I work has those signs. Never saw or heard a dog but don’t go there that often. I don’t know what they key on if they do exists, but if it’s gunpowder I’m probably going to have that smell on me whether I have the pistol on or no, so I’m not sure what happens if they do dumbass mall cop things and it turns out I’m NOT carrying, but seeing as how Mall Marines in my experience are either DGAF retirees or overzealous children who don’t know anything at all about laws, I suspect there’d be a lawsuit in there somewhere…

  12. …not that it’s all that safe outside the mall, rich people or no…there was some kind of two car shootout in the parking lot of the Texas Roadhouse across the street a few days ago, some strays hit a mattress seller’s building, both cars disappeared up a local street and the cops never found cars or bodies, so not sure that possibly mythical “gun sniffing dogs” are going to help you with that…

  13. The Mall we frequent is one of the few malls that are not anti gun. However a lot of the individual stores are. That Mall services some pretty wealthy people. Lately the hoodrats drive up from Sacramento, station a couple people right outside the jewelry stores. If someone makes a purchase they phone the outside crew and alert them. The outside crew sticks a gun in their face and robs them. The very week Gov Fuchnuts signed this bill into law they had 5 such robberies
    We have a CVS pharmacy on one of the entrances to our business park. I ran over there last week to pick something up and the entire glass structure to the entrance is all boarded up. The woman behind the counter tells me the day before some “kids” stole a pick up truck, drove it through the entrance, tied a chain around the ATM machine and unsuccessfully tried to snag it out. This was at 6:00 PM. These little bastards drive up from the hood into our “well to do” community and reek havoc.

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