Video Shows Large Tornado Rip Through Fort Lauderdale, Causing Explosive Electrical Burst – IOTW Report

Video Shows Large Tornado Rip Through Fort Lauderdale, Causing Explosive Electrical Burst

A tornado was seen ripping through Fort Lauderdale, bursting power lines and destroying nearby boats.

7 Comments on Video Shows Large Tornado Rip Through Fort Lauderdale, Causing Explosive Electrical Burst

  1. That’s worse than global warming! It’s Global Vorticity! We’re all gonna die! Close the shutters, grandma! Into the storm cellar, all of you! Duck and cover! Bend over and grab your ass! It’s dark in here…

  2. great video of climate change. proof the earth is catastrophically functioning as it has for thousands of years. a denier would collect up the lost fish and put them back in the water.

  3. Climate change? Back in the 80s I was driving home after swingshift during a thunderstorm when a transformer blew beside me. Lit up the whole neighborhood with a blue-green light.

  4. First, thank God no one was injured.

    Second, meh. I’ve lived in Tornado Alley my whole life. I served on a Midwest FD for multiple tornado seasons. I used to be expected to go out and play in them, not go hide in a basement somewhere. This to me isn’t especially impressive.

    My first structure fire was also (not related to the storm) my first tornado-warned structure fire. My green helmet stripes marked me as completely useless at an early stage of the game, so I was sent to Staging until there was time for novices. The County radio was on a very loud repeater there, where the Chief had set up IC next to a pumper (it was a largish multi-unit dwelling so required more complex command) and they called a tornado warning. Being of still civilian mindset I expected the Chief and his captains to do…SOMETHING, IDK what, but when nothing evidently changed I thought maybe he hadn’t heard, so I went up and chirped “Chief, they just issued a tornado warning”.

    Upon which he briefly glared at me like something the cat neglected to bury, said “So? We have a fire to put out”, then dismissed me completely from thought as the contemptuously useless worm I was at the time.

    I never again gave a concern for the weather. If it wasn’t actively lifting vehicles and the hail wasn’t sideways, it wasn’t worth mentioning.

    Of course this mindset nearly got me killed many years later when that was no longer my job, but that’s a different story for another day…


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