James Clyburn Is ‘Very Concerned’ About the Black Vote for Biden – IOTW Report

James Clyburn Is ‘Very Concerned’ About the Black Vote for Biden

House Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn (S.C.) told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday that he’s “very concerned” about black voters showing up for Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election. Coming from Clyburn, it’s a substantial admission — an admission that should be taken seriously by the White House. more

11 Comments on James Clyburn Is ‘Very Concerned’ About the Black Vote for Biden

  1. “Voting for Trump? Then you ain’t black.”

    “But I am black.”

    “Then you’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier!”

    “But I’m not lying!”

    “Trunalimunumaprzure! Clap for that you stupid bastard.”

  2. It’s not the lack of turnout for Joe that’s the problem, they can always vote for them. It’s the number of black voters casting their ballot for President Trump. Those are harder to cheat with and a greater likelihood of someone noticing and raising a stink.

  3. Blacks and every democRAT voter for that matter should be “very concerned” about voting for ANY democRAT! Aaaaannd I can use a broad brush here because these hive-minded democRATz act and vote in lockstep with each other and do nothing but spread hate and division among the American people, not to mention trampling on the constitution!


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