Why is The Republican House Funding Biden Border Invasion? – IOTW Report

Why is The Republican House Funding Biden Border Invasion?


Speaker Tiny Teeth’s info here:

16 Comments on Why is The Republican House Funding Biden Border Invasion?

  1. When all these dumbass freshman congresscritters and senators won election the swamp threw big parties for them and invited them to the big tent. Slipped them a little something to to lower their guard, brought in little boys and hot wimmin, before they knew what them they were comprised. After that it was easy pickins.

  2. It is not The Biden Birder Invasion, it is The Party’s Border Invasion. The Republican establishment had every bit as much to do with that jackass usurping thenOffice of The President as Democrats did.

  3. Why? Do you remember a few weeks ago when the FBI raided a couple of brothels in the DC area? And how they “leaked” the fact that “government officials” were on the client list? All or nearly all are blackmailed to vote the way Biden and his controllers want them to. N

  4. “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government…”
    ― Thomas Jefferson

  5. It should be very clear to all citizens that their own government cares about one thing – their own self interest. It doesn’t matter if it’s Democrats or Republicans. Republicans give flowery speeches and claim to be working hard against liberal policy and “fighting the hard fight”. It’s nothing more than kabuki – theatre for the masses. All the while they all enrich themselves at the expense of American citizens. Just think about it. Nothing of significance that benefits the American people has come out of DC in decades. Why would virtually everything they do harm this country? What possible reasons would explain this other than them deriving some personal benefit from these actions? We are very close to complete collapse due to the greed and avarice of these people. Such behavior is nothing more than treason.


    In ’06 a mental defective plutocrat tried to defend the ghastly crimewave caused by the most liberal President in Americans history’s “OPEN BOARDER”. He said, being a. moron, “When a criminal alien rapes a 3 yearly ITS AN ACT OF LOVE!”!

    THE UNIPARTY embarked on its OPEN BOARDER agenda in 2001! Lefty liars FROM BOTH PARTIES have ramed OPEN BOARDERS down our throats for 22 years.

    For those still asleep. THE DEGENERATE LETY whose 5 yearly OPEN BOARDER the rich moron was trying – and failed; why he finished 10thor 11th place nearly primaries ’15 – was GWB. He has a Rfter his name!

    Ronny folk have been calling it UNIPARTY for decades withgood reason! OPEN BOARDERS is just part of the reason for the derisive UNIPARTY label!

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