Astrophysicist: Climate Change Modelers Made a Basic Error – IOTW Report

Astrophysicist: Climate Change Modelers Made a Basic Error

Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews author and astrophysicist Joseph E. Postma on the greenhouse effect and why, in his view, climate change is “sophistry”.

22 Comments on Astrophysicist: Climate Change Modelers Made a Basic Error

  1. Global fondling
    Global coddling
    Global fooling
    Global drooling
    Global sniffing
    Global showering
    Global twisting
    Global pooping
    Global stealing

    And what have you got?

    Joe Biden.

  2. It doesn’t matter how many people refute climate change.
    It has never been about concern for the earth and it’s people.
    From day one, it became the vehicle to set up worldwide grifting programs.

  3. Michael Mann can take his hockey stick and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Global warming, err, climate change is a scam if epic proportion and you have to be a dyed in wool leftist (moron) to believe it.

  4. “All models are wrong. Some models are useful.”

    This “model” (the models they chose to trot out) are only the ones that give the answer they want to use to scare people. There’s a reason all this was rolled out on the heels of the fall of the Soviet Union and along with it fears of nuclear war/winter.

    “Figures don’t lie, but liars figure.”

  5. “It” never seems to understand that free thinking people don’t need to be led. “It” is a narcissist that thinks “It” can influence people of superior intelligence will be shamed into following the mob.

    Not gonna happen, moron. We elect representatives, not Leaders.

  6. I was just reading yesterday that Mexico City is sinking at a rate of 6-8 inches per year. Now that is a measurable rate. Are people panicking? Well perhaps they should be, my guess is that they are taking steps to deal with that reality. One thing for sure, they aren’t blaming people driving cars.
    The reason it’s sinking is that they built it on a lake bed.

  7. DANCO™ – get up in the mountains towards Puebla and look down on Mexico city – It looks like a bowl of soup because the pollution is so thick! Mexico City is stinking at a measurable rate!

  8. Of course the climate is changing, how could it not? Does any fool think it’s ever been unchanging ? And does anyone think the rate of change isn’t subject to change either? Is the climate supposed to magically be exactly what it was when Al Gore was whelped? Or at Greta Thunberg’s birth?

    For a group that celebrated a moron running on “Hope and Change” they sure seem to fear change.

  9. How many cars and factories spewing CO2 into the atmosphere did it take to melt the mile thick glacier that used to cover all of New York State?

    Why are there forests embedded in the bottom of Greenland’s glaciers?

    Why do some of Jupiter’s moons have oceans of liquid methane, the same hydrocarbons here I’m told is a “fossil fuel”?

    Until a whole shitload of people are willing to admit how much we don’t know, there is no way forward to try to find out. Science and political agendas are oil and water. One seeks truth, the other control.


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