Hunter Biden Crashes then Runs Away From Hearing – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Crashes then Runs Away From Hearing

Wow. Hunter Biden just stormed out of the House Oversight Committee hearing. Apparently he couldn’t handle @mtgreenee’s questions. Could he possibly look more guilty?

15 Comments on Hunter Biden Crashes then Runs Away From Hearing

  1. MTG has bigger balls than Hunter, evidently.

    Jamie Raskin is 100% a commie shill put in place to obfuscate and he did a great job with the 7.8 million bullshit. We all know Adam Schiff is tied to the 7.8 million take, but that’s for a later date discussion.

    You Faggots in both parties can run, but you can’t hide.

  2. …so kids, no joke, always remember that any time you don’t want to answer questions during a legal proceeding because they make me look bad, *stage whispers* you can simply get up and leave!

    As long as your name is Biden.

  3. Hunter is the road-apple that didn’t fall far from the horse’s ass known as the grinning imbecile, racist bastard (who loves to drink, tell off-color dwarf jokes, give dull parties, cheap presents, nothing to charity, can’t count past three and plays mumbley-peg with dim-witted quadrupeds) who PIMPED OUT HIS OWN KID!!
    They’re both a couple of obscene, low-life, venal pieces of shit!

  4. The Dems and his lawyers are establishing a foundation for a presidential pardon. This was a choreographed photo op to establish Hunter’s willingness to testify before Congress, and the hostility and disrespect flung at him by Republicans. That is what the carefully edited video will show, reinforced by coordinated gaslighting from the usual suspects.

  5. RepubliCONS don’t like a taste of their own medicine, how bout fuck off & die Commie Comer along with your shitshow of fellow asswipes.
    Daddy is calling, needs his boots licked some more.


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