Fauci tells House COVID panel he’s ‘not convinced’ kids suffered learning loss due to pandemic school closures – IOTW Report

Fauci tells House COVID panel he’s ‘not convinced’ kids suffered learning loss due to pandemic school closures

Documents obtained by the House COVID panel have also revealed that Fauci’s NIAID worked around a government-wide pause on gain-of-function research between 2014 and 2017 to greenlight the experiments in Wuhan. – more

21 Comments on Fauci tells House COVID panel he’s ‘not convinced’ kids suffered learning loss due to pandemic school closures

  1. Fauci is suffering bureaucratic privilege and has since the AIDS days. If he was in a private business (non-cartelized) where profit and loss were significantly important he likely would not be entrusted to sweep floors and empty garbage cans based on the quality of his extant work product.

  2. Government monopoly day prisons are SO HORRIBLE anyway, how would one tell if kids were worse off? And this guy needs to be shipped to Gitmo for waterboarding in advance of his trial and punishment for millions of counts of CRIMES AGAINS HUMANITY.

  3. Herr Doktor Falsie may be speaking truth on the education front considering the performance of “skrewls” today. Still, we should verify the depths of his truthfulness by a periond of water boarding, then perhaps hang, draw, and quarter the pint-sized prevaricator.

  4. Bureaucrats are next to impossible to educate even in the most favorable circumstances. Little Tony is so impervious to new concepts contradictory to his prejudices that the only practical method for getting such ideas into his head is with a half-inch hammer drill.

  5. He learned some things allright.

    Like, perhaps, making the next covid attack and jabs even more deadly.

    I guess, like in past tyrannies, murder just becomes a habit, harder to break than cigarette smoking.

  6. How is he ever able to sleep (or, even pick his nose) at night, with all that Gain-of-Function clotted blood on his hands, and sudden deaths, cancers, and still births from his lies?

  7. “… Fauci’s NIAID worked around a government-wide pause on gain-of-function research between 2014 and 2017 …”

    And the Mini-Mengele thinks he can “work around” God?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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