Can These People Ever Be Cured? – IOTW Report

Can These People Ever Be Cured?

SICK: At Least Seven Men in Texas Filmed Themselves Gang Raping Two Toddlers in a Mall Bathroom in Houston — One Arrested.

36 Comments on Can These People Ever Be Cured?

  1. i would sure like to know his citizenship status. the feds allow illegal alien criminals to cross the border and commit crimes against the citizens. forcing citizens to pay for the room, board, healthcare and confinement of illegal alien criminals is racketeering. i see the same at indian casinos (federal land) when a citizen commits a crime . the taxpayer foot the bill for a crime that is instituted by the united states authority. its time to hard pull those purse strings, including the fbi who probably gave up one of their pedos for propaganda.

  2. Cmn¢¢guy –

    Speed of sound in human brain ≈ 1500+ meters/second

    Length of time for bullet-created shockwave to spread across the brain ≈ 0.15m /(1500m/sec.) ≈ .0000667 seconds.

    (With no sensation of synaptic disassociation.)

    (.15m ≈ 6″)

  3. I read about this on BizPac Review and was totally disgusted. And the American justice system only learned about this because the Australian Vice Squad caught it on the dark web.
    We are truly living in Satanic times!

  4. “Can These People Ever Be Cured?”


    3 boluses of Pb each, two applications interthoracic rapidly followed by a third intercranial.

    Guaranteed cure,but PPE recommended as there will be considerable splash if you use an adequately sized applicator.

  5. One of the sickest things I’ve ever read. They need to be sentenced to life in prison. Get their foreheads tattooed with “Baby Raper”, and turned loose in the general population of the toughest prison around.

  6. Now the same questions (and proposed solutions) should be for the Leftist perverts trying to destroy our children’s gender and fuk up the next generation with these actions and their propaganda!

  7. 7 men filmed only one arrested??? I prefer a rope around the waste tied off to a trucks bumper and drive till you don’t see anything attached to the far end of the rope anymore.

  8. Soon as transportation can be arranged, they’ll be Grandees in the DNC with “special access” to the White Hut.

    Bet on it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The permanent cure, after hopefully an agonizing demise is guaranteed for these unrepentant child molesting demoniacs;

    Revelation 21:8 The Holy Bible ESV
    “…But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

    A very hot Hell for eternity is all these scumbags deserve.

  10. We had enough perverts and bad people here before the invasion from south of the border. Why does the government import more of them?

    We’ll get a bigger tax base, one politician said recently.

    Ordinary folks pay the price, like these two little kids and their parents. But the entire country gets degraded from incidents like this. All because the gov’t needs more tax money to pay its bills.

  11. These stories seem to get buried in a hurry by the mainstream press / govt. entities. This one happened in GA in late 2021. A married hososexual couple adopted 2 young boys (8 and 10 years old) from a supposedly Christian adoption agency. The adoptive “parents” proceeded to rape the children and sell them to a pedophile ring for sex. Somehow, the local news agencies which reported on the initial arrests with little detail have not provided any updated coverage since. Only Town Hall has done some investigative work on it. The 4 part series (so far) provides the revolting details. This link is to one story in the series (all of them are worth the read to understand the depravity of these demons).

    Maybe one reason these things keep happening is because people are purposely kept in the dark about these cases.


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