First Democrat in Congress Joins Calls for Defense Secretary’s Resignation – IOTW Report

First Democrat in Congress Joins Calls for Defense Secretary’s Resignation

Rep. Chris Deluzio (D., Pa.) on Wednesday became the first Democrat in Congress to call for the resignation of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who did not disclose for days his ongoing hospitalization.

10 Comments on First Democrat in Congress Joins Calls for Defense Secretary’s Resignation

  1. The Lord works in mysterious ways. I cannot imagine a circumstance more relevant to expose the entire Potemkin Presidency of Pedo McFuckstick.

    Absolutely none of these figurehead cabinet officers make any decisions. Every iota of every action and decision is made by the shadow government run by ValJar. the rest is Kubuki theater right down to the fake WH across the street.

    That is why the senile dipshit can spend 45% of his residency on vacation and the equally dipshit “SecDef” can just on AWOL for days to assuage his vanity.

    There is only one adult in charge who also happens to be a satanic Iranian traitor. The rest of this administration are actual toddlers…

  2. Exhibit ‘A’ in the case against Affirmative Action, figured there was no reason to let Biden know. However, Exhibit ‘A’ probably did inform whoever is really running the show.

  3. “It’s so nice to have adults in charge again” – MSM gives a tongue bath to the Biden* cabinet. “They’re like the Avengers, they’re superheroes.” Good grief.


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