Here. Have Some 5G – IOTW Report

Here. Have Some 5G

“…the long-term health effects on people, if any, may not be known for many years later because some health outcomes could take decades to develop.

14 Comments on Here. Have Some 5G

  1. It’s ionizing radiation at a pretty low level. Nonetheless, our atmosphere is already RF and visible light-saturated. We probably shouldn’t worry, though, as the grid-killing solar storm coming in the next several decades accompanied by a record weak magnetic field will eliminate those issues!

  2. It is highly suggested that ham radio operators have sheets that show the safe distances to be from their antennas in case someone, such as a neighbor, is concerned about their health and safety. It uses calculations based upon operating frequency.

    Funny thing is, the form has two figures. One is for people who know that you transmit. The other is for people who don’t know you transmit. I guess the RF is not as dangerous if you know that it is there.

  3. “It’s ionizing radiation”

    No, it is exactly non-ionizing radiation.

    Almost no one knows what 5G cellular entails but it sure doesn’t keep them from having strong opinions. That someone else gave them.

  4. All of the Bell System car radio telephone technicians died within 5 years of retirement, and many died long before they made it to retirement. It is all poisonous.

  5. 5G is known as 5th Generation communications split between two frequency ranges Frequency Range 1 (FR1)410 Mhz to 7125 Mhz frequency bands
    Freq Range 2 (FR2) is 24 Ghz to 71 Ghz. It is interesting that a lot of microwave ovens are at 2450 Mhz. So the frequency cooking your food can be the frequency going into your ear. Granted is is NOT ionizing but I still don’t want my eardrum cooked Time for the tinfoil hats

  6. What is that saying…”The difference between a conspiracy theory and a fact is one year”.

    Just because it won’t be acknowledged for a decade —if ever—doesn’t make it any less true now.

  7. @RadioMatt “the RF is not as dangerous if you know that it is there.”

    Anything is possible, since Covid only comes out at night and knows which direction you’re headed in the supermarket aisles.


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