What’s Up With Bill Barr? – IOTW Report

What’s Up With Bill Barr?

Epstein, wexner, Southern Air Transport Took Over For Iran Contra For Barr And CIA Drug Guns Routes.

Looks like Mr. Barr has a VERY interesting history which people forget.

10 Comments on What’s Up With Bill Barr?

  1. I think TRUMP !!! got played quite a bit in his 1st term but it takes a lot of time to ferret out rot in any organization of size let alone the gigantic machine that is our(?) guvmint establishment.
    Let’s see what happens in his 2nd term.

  2. Barr’s been a slimy piece of shit since forever.
    Globaloneyist, WEFuckstick, fixer, traitor.
    There probably isn’t any dirty work he hasn’t been involved in.

    Said Lon Horiuchi’s murder of Vicky Weaver was “Constitutional!”
    Show me! Cite the article and paragraph!
    Nowhere in my copy does it read: “Unarmed women, holding their infants, who haven’t been arrested, charged, indicted, convicted, or sentenced may be murdered at a whim by bloodthirsty bureaucrats and their cretinous murderous henchmen.”

    But then, I may not have the new, improved copy.

    I know I harp on this – but it needs to be harped on.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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