Where Is Imran? – IOTW Report

Where Is Imran?

Hillary Judge Bending Over Backwards For Imran Awan – Seven Months To Destroy Evidence.

2 Comments on Where Is Imran?

  1. WTF does it matter? He hasn’t a chance of winning. I have lost respect for him and all the others playing their charades because they have not withdrawn from the race and supported the obvious choice of the people. The also rans are ONLY running to try to keep Mr. Trump from being President again. No other reason within logical reason. If they want to help the nation, then unify behind the choice. They sure the heck aren’t going to MAGA better than Mr. Trump. What pisses me off is that the voters want Trump,,, but the also rans don’t care what the voters want. WTF is with that?

  2. Imran Awan… isn’t this water under the bridge from 2019? I thought he slipped away to Pakistan years ago. With help from Debbie Wasseramen.

    And what is a “Hillary Judge”? She never had a chance to appoint any, thank god.


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