NBC News Reports ‘Deep State’ Plot to Facilitate a ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump Amidst Fear for Alleged ‘Retribution’ if Re-Elected – IOTW Report

NBC News Reports ‘Deep State’ Plot to Facilitate a ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump Amidst Fear for Alleged ‘Retribution’ if Re-Elected

Oh, you mean – it’s business as usual?
Bring it, bitch.

17 Comments on NBC News Reports ‘Deep State’ Plot to Facilitate a ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump Amidst Fear for Alleged ‘Retribution’ if Re-Elected

  1. Wm. Shakespeare’s character Bill the Butcher famously suggested:

    The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.

    If, heaven forbid, that’s the way it plays out, let’s please be sure to start with Mary McCord.

  2. It’s possible that the military is in favor of mass illegal immigration from south of the border. They are way down on enlistments, and mass immigration is a way of closing that gap. If that’s the case then they would see Trump as an entity that has to be neutralized or removed, based on what he says about deporting thousands of them.

    The Roman Empire eventually had to rely on a lot of foreign born soldiers in its army, which I believe was one reason for its downfall.

  3. Watching them Uncloak, knowing the AntiTrump contingent will see it as right and necessary to protect Our Democracy really leaves me uneasy. Without any honor, they have a belief that what they want is Right. That it is destroying the country they live in is either something they want or they just don’t understand,, but I’m not seeing changing their minds.

  4. “Former MI6 Spy Chief Says Donald Trump’s Reelection ‘Is a Security Threat to the UK’”

    This coup is international. They miscalculated. They thought they could destroy Trump’s followers by accusing him of damn near everything under the sun. They know there’s going to be hell to pay for what they’ve done. Let’s hope they missed removing a few Patriots in our military.
    Sebastian Gorka has been reporting for the last couple days that after Milly retired a couple of his aids have come forward and reported he’s the guy the planned J6. I have not heard that any place else, but that’s not surprising.

  5. This is not one damn bit surprising considering what they have been up to over the last decade. It explains the focus on disarming the population at large. It explains what appears to be a series of false flag events such as hiding details of the Las Vegas shooting. It explains their focused attention on damaging the ability to produce electric power. It explains using Covid scam to purge the military of soldiers who don’t go along to get along and follow orders irrespective of their legality.

  6. I’ve been saying this for over a year now – they simply are not going to allow Trump to return to the White House. If he somehow manages to stay out of prison in spite of the myriad of bogus, politically motivated criminal charges, and then finds a way to overcome the Dominion Factor, they will simply unleash some CIA hitman to close the deal.

  7. This reeks of projection. Alex Jones or Q says that, and it’s a conspiracy theory, yet we’re supposed to take this seriously coming from the people who are heavily invested in actual, brutal retribution for an insurrection fantasy. Go to hell, lying liars.

  8. President Trump first order should be that all officers must pass a physical fitness review. That should get rid of a lot crap that Obama encouraged. Both the White House and the Pentagon have been attacked by leftist extremists, many of these officers would be hard pressed to defend a attack.

  9. History repeats itself — look to 2019 and. 2020. Those strategies work at change? Besides if Biden got embalmed and Obama and Clinton did “Weekend at Bernie’s” with him for 4 years who would or could tell the difference?

  10. Another reminder of why we hate Ds. And also a reminder to Trump to bring his A-game starting Day 1. The rat-f*ckers will do everything they can to block him. Exhibit A: his first term and all the crap they pulled to delay him getting his team in place. Losing the election (i.e. will of the people when elections are honest) no longer means anything to these progressive a**holes. FJB

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