President Trump Speaks in Indianola, Iowa Ahead of Caucus: Promises “Largest Deportation in American History” – IOTW Report

President Trump Speaks in Indianola, Iowa Ahead of Caucus: Promises “Largest Deportation in American History”

President Trump spoke in Indianola, Iowa on Sunday, ahead of the Iowa Republican caucus which is on January 15th.

A lively crowd showed up to support President Trump even though the weather was extremely cold. Watch:

14 Comments on President Trump Speaks in Indianola, Iowa Ahead of Caucus: Promises “Largest Deportation in American History”

  1. We should drive them south across the border like a cattle drive. Brand them on the forehead so we know they were part of the illegal invasion. That way, we know who to never let in, again. Seize the property of the politicians who allowed this to ever happen and use the money to pay reparations to citizens were harmed by their evil plan.

  2. Truman and Eisenhower provided the template: Immigration enforcement actions (removals and returns) rose rapidly from a low of 12,000 in 1942, to 727,000 in 1952, the final year of the Truman Administration. Enforcement actions continued to rise under Eisenhower, until reaching a peak of 1.1 million in 1954, the year of Operation Wetback.

    That right there is the model, just run it on an accelerated timeline.

  3. Look at what lawless BLM did to opportunities in black neighborhoods.
    Immigrant communities are doomed because of lawless illegal immigration. Mass deportation is the only option.

  4. Did Benny Johnson show up to campaign with Vivek?
    He tweeted he was going to be there and then quickly deleted it.
    Candace Owens has been taken in by the used car salesman too.

  5. I realize that I am Canadian and therefore have “no dog in this hunt”, but I think miles of trebuchets(sp?) should be at the southern border and the illegals should be thrown back into Mexico. Mexico allowed this, let Mexico deal with this problem.


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