‘Gas station heroin’ – IOTW Report

‘Gas station heroin’

Dr. Timothy Ives, a licensed pharmacist and professor with the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, explained tianeptine “was a tricyclic antidepressant when it was first started, but it also has opioid like effects.”

21 Comments on ‘Gas station heroin’

  1. Great, now if they don’t kill you from eating gas station sushi, they’ll finish you off with gas station heroin. Convenience stores are not gas stations even if they do sell gas. They’ll rip you off anyway they can and call it convenience. Are there any real gas stations left anymore that just sell gas and car repairs like there used to be like my dad’s gas station back in the 60’s thru the early 80’s.

  2. ??? The war on drugs just drove all the good dope far underground and really allowed the bunk shit to become prevalent. I mean really, who in their right mind would use fentanyl when clean heroin was available? Or ephedrine when dexedrine is available? Cocaine versus P2P meth? C’mon guys, really? Now the animals from Africa are bringing their bunk like khat and whatever the pill crap they use like amphetamine is. Give us back the good stuff, this off the wall designer crap isn’t good for kids or animals.

  3. @ geoff the aardvark

    We had an old-school gas station until a few years ago when the state was going to force the owner to replace the undergound tanks. He decided to remove the pumps instead. He still does repairs and holds concealed carry classes.

  4. …I stand corrected.

    Apparently it IS responsive to Naloxone.


    …banned in my state, but not adjacent ones, so can still turn up here. Nice that it’s a “dietary supplement” that can be bought OTC without even mentioning the hazards.

    One more reason to have Narcan. “Free” (taxpayer subsidized) in Ohio, may as well have some on hand…


    …other states may make it easy too. If you have kids, elderly, or friends or co-workers that may be a little stupid, you may just want to consider it…

  5. Were ALL drugs LEGAL, as they were prior to the end of alcohol prohibition (or thereabouts), those who wished to purchase them in a known quantity, from a known manufacturer, from a reputable business, with documented purity, etc. would do so. As Walter correctly stated, people are purchasing this crap BECAUSE they cannot simply get the far “safer” alternatives they wish. ALL drugs come with risks, including death. But when one has access to purity and potency labeling, one can more or less predict the effects of what they consumer. And you either believe that people own their own bodies and can do with them what THEY wish (short of harming another or their property), or you support people being the property of the state – a slave. Thousands have existed for decades on the UK “heroin maintenance” program with no ill effects. They are provided cigarettes (yes, also harmful) laced with pure heroin. Heroin is a dangerous drug, but the horrible things one sees with addicts are the result of what it is often “cut” with (like milk sugar, plaster dust, even cement dust). No, I don’t support the government stealing money from people to give free drugs to anyone (or anything for that matter), but just making the point that far more issues are cropping up BECAUSE known, well-understood drugs are being replaced by questionable ones thanks to prohibition.

  6. expert class is toast. i don’t believe a word. what’s next the WHO lockdowns? expert class opinions are now on par with politician opinions. all chinese carpetbaggers. if you really want to get it from the horses mouth watch the never ending reruns of pooh and friends.

  7. 1harpazo, my dad was forced out of his business in 1982 when they (Budget Oil) raised his lease on his Shell station from $800 a month to $2400 a month and then leased the property to build a new McBozo’s which is still there. He and my youngest brother opened their own full-service auto repair shop for nearly 40 years until my brother was forced out of business at the beginning of 2023. He turned 65 last year and was going to retire anyway but I miss the shop and so does my brother and a lot of his loyal customers from 40 years of fixing their cars.

  8. MrLiberty
    TUESDAY, 16 JANUARY 2024, 11:57 AT 11:57 AM

    I understand the logic you have here and there’s a lot that can be discussed (the TV show “House MD” had episodes about high-functioning addicts that covered some of your arguments), there’s three basic issues with this approach.

    1) The government and courts pillory providers of most effective pain medications now, so they would be afraid to write scripts;
    2) Long-term users build such a tolerance that it becomes ineffective even in normally lethal doses, physiologically requiring the meds be backed off of periodically with attendant withdrawal symptoms;
    3) I never met an addict that could be trusted to know and respond to his limits.

    Point 1, lawyers find this WAY too lucrative and will never leave it alone. Too much potential for big paydays demonizing providers and drug companies, neither of which is in a great light now anyway. Legislatures are the same way for different reasons, attacking providers makes great campaign commercials and a seemingly easy legislative “fix”. This is how we got here today, pain drives people to the illicit market when they can’t get effective relief from their doctor, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. The only way you can have drugs NOW is recreationally it seems, and THEN only if Government gets to control the grow operations and gets a cut.

    Point 2 is just a hard physical reality. These drugs constantly require higher doses for the same effect, something to do with increased receptors, and eventually stop working altogether unless you stop using for a time. Nothing you can do about this, it’s just the nature of the drug.

    Point 3, granted I may be a bit biased, because most of the heroin users I’ve met was when they managed to 90% kill themselves and I had to get up in the middle of the night to prevent the other 10. Many were “frequent flyers” who either never could figure out their “limits”, or just didn’t care. One that I knew more of was an adult son of a dear friend who I helped carry to his grave as a result of not knowing his limit. Most addicts don’t worry about limits. They just want to make the pain go away no matter what.

    …there’s a bunch of other things too, like constipation,nausea, and generally being a completely amoral scuzball willing to sell his grandmother to get a fix (someone on my wife’s side in TN actually was selling his grandmother’s possessions for his fix after shooting up his way out of two really good jobs), and little things like folks that shoot up while driving with kids in the car and also aren’t careful about what the kids find be it their stash or their dead bodies, but that’s enough for now.

    Besides, I’m generally opposed to taking ANY “forever” drug and believe they should ALL be avoided to the greatest extent possible. Once the drug company gets you to take something or you’ll due, they own you forever. Bad enough with things you can’t avoid like heart drugs and insulin and such, but something that you would literally kill to get is on another order, and I would suggest trying literally anything else before placing your life willingly in King Heroin’s hands…

    “Behold My Friends, I Am Heroin” ..

    Behold my friends, I am Heroin,
    Known by all as a destroyer of men.
    I entered this country, without a passport,
    And ever since, I’ve been hunted and sought.
    Whole nations have gathered, to plan my destruction,
    I am the breeder of crime and corruption.

    I’m more valued than diamonds,
    More treasured than gold,
    Try me you’ll see, you too will be sold.
    I’m a powder that looks no more than waste,
    I’m soft and fluffy and bitter to taste.
    I’m brown, I’m white and fantastic to use,
    But once you’re hooked, I really abuse.

    I’ll take a rich man and make him poor,
    I’ll take a virgin and make her a whore.
    I’ll make beautiful women forget their looks,
    I’ll take honest men and make them crooks.
    I’ll make you lie, steal, borrow and beg,
    Then search for a vein in your arm or your leg.
    I’ll make you selfish and fill you with greed,
    Who cares of colour, religion or creed.
    My gift is illusion, my blessing is take,
    Only deaths and destruction, follow my wake.

    My friends are many but I’m loyal to none,
    I’ve come to destroy and my work will be done.
    Run from me if you like, for I never chase,
    Sooner or later, you’ll return for a taste.
    Once in your blood, you’ll not think I’m mean,
    You’ll praise me as master and nod in a dream.
    You’ve heard my warnings but will you take heed,
    Put your foot in the stirrup, mount this great steed.
    So sit in the saddle and hold on real well,
    For the great horse of Heroin, will take you to hell.
    ( Written by a resident of St. Mary’s Hostel, Bangor, Wales, UK )

    No Silver Lining In This Cloud ..
    Caught in heroin’s vice-like grip
    I jab a needle in my hip.
    The only place where veins remain,
    To help me ease cold turkey’s pain.
    My trembling hand stabs for a hit
    To pull me out of this black pit.
    Eureka ! A vein ! Turkey goes
    Cos now I’m numb from head to toes.
    Confused dot com, I’ve lost the plot
    I’m slumped here in this nasty squat.
    This is no life.. It’s just a joke
    Trapped in addiction’s brutal yoke.
    No silver lining in this cloud
    I hang my head, and sigh out loud.
    ( Tot Darren, London, UK )

    The Streets Are My Pastures ..
    King Heroin is my shepherd
    I shall always want
    He maketh me to lie down in the gutter
    The streets are my pastures
    Where he leadeth me
    And the quiet waters in my works
    Go straight to my soul.

    At Last I’m Free ..
    I know my love for you was strong
    But now I have to walk away
    I’ve lived so long within your shadow
    But I live to fight another day
    You held me in your trance for so long
    So many years soon passed me by
    Time had no meaning to me
    So enthralled with you was I
    I’m free from your addiction
    I’ve escaped your evil charm
    You no longer bring me torment
    You no longer bring me harm.”
    ( Keith Rowe, Worcester, UK )


  9. @SNS

    Amazing. Poems about heroin.

    It was supposed to heal opium addicts I believe. It’s inventor put “hero” in front lf the name so people would believe it delivered them from opium.

  10. @Tim Buktu

    And yet heroin is made from opium. Salesmen have always been bullshit artists.

    And there is nothing wrong with opium. A small hit takes the edge off a long, hard day wuite nicely. Plus it smells nice too.


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