How did Alberta wind up facing blackouts in the extreme cold? – IOTW Report

How did Alberta wind up facing blackouts in the extreme cold?

And where is Justin Trudeau’s top lip?

 No amount of renewable capacity can save you, when wind and solar both fail at the same time.

24 Comments on How did Alberta wind up facing blackouts in the extreme cold?

  1. Before issuing a need to reduce energy consumption, cut off power from those in charge making these asinine energy choices. They own the largest housing energy draw for individuals.

    See how these morons appreciate the result of their stupidity. But, it will never happen…

  2. At least it keeps life interesting. Bursting water pipes, cracking toilets, no showers, can’t cook, and a fire on your living room floor.

    Back to the USA, how are zero emission mandates allowed? It’s costing us all money to subsidize it and I don’t ever recall it being put to a vote in our “democracy.”

  3. I can’t think of a worse climate for Wind and Solar. It say right in their article that they don’t generate much electricity from solar this time of year. And wind is probably even worse. They will freeze up and not spin, and most composites don’t survive in the extreme cold. Makes you really wonder who came up with this plan.

  4. Hey, If all those people suffering brownouts and blackouts had Ford F-150 Lightning’s, they could just plug their house into the outlet on the truck!
    I saw it on their TV commercials, it runs the whole house, so it must be real!
    They can watch a big screen TV and keep warm while the battery catches fire and explodes.

  5. The blades on these things need to be replaced on a schedule to avoid catastrophic failure. They cannot be recycled, they are buried so that the commies don’t have their failure staring them in the face.

    Out of sight, out of mind.

  6. Unrelated but I’m lovin’ on reports that EV charging stations in the Chicago area have turned to EV graveyards. It’s too cold for them to even accept a charge. One story stated that an owner waited 3 hours one evening and the charge didn’t increase at all. He came back the next day and tried again for 3 hours and… nothing.

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    Biden needs himself an electric plane. He can take the maiden journey to Europe.

  7. This will happen in Michigan now that Queen Whitmer has declared we will be solar/wind power only soon.

    We had about 3-4 hours of sunlight this whole month, spread over three days. It’s 8 degrees now after about 10 feet of snow over five days.

    Queen Whitmer wants us dead so her China friends can come live here.

  8. A couple quick thoughts…

    1. Windmill blades are indeed not recyclable. Sweetwater, Texas has apparently become quite the dumping ground.

    2. Li-ION & LiFePO4 batteries can’t be charged below 32/F, and they can actually be damaged if the attempt is made. Simple Battery Management Systems will disable charging based on temperature, but some have heaters, and the BMS will warm the batteries before allowing charging to start. It’s my understanding Tesla’s do have a 6kW battery heater, but if you stop and do the math, that’s 25 amps at 240v, or roughly half the power available in a typical 50 amp garage charging plug. So if it’s in use, your charge rate gets cut in half… And the limit is 6kW… Which might not be enough to warm the battery. If you’ve got snow piled around the car, and you’re sitting in it running the heater to stay warm while you wait… You’ll likely get almost nothing.

    More info on how the BMS sits between the battery terminals and the charging source here:

    Finally… You can’t fly an airplane in icing conditions without deicing equipment to shed the accumulated ice. For an airplane, it’s mostly about the extra weight, but the ice also wraps around the surfaces and alters their shape in flight, altering the aerodynamics, affecting generation of lift, etc… All those problems also apply to windmills. Ice coats the blades, and adds weight, reduces performance, causes rotational imbalances, etc… You could add a deicing boot, but then you have to keep it balanced and you’d be flinging ice at the surroundings potentially causing property damage or even killing people / livestock. Rubber de-icing boots also don’t handle UV very well. So it’s easier to simply shutdown and wait out the ice…


  9. I meant Western Michigan.

    We did get just under 10 feet in 1967. We couldn’t see the roof of our car. But the big snow happens in the UP. Can cover a one story house! My aunt used to live there and she would have to tunnel from her door to the neighbors, just to visit! – Claudia

  10. There was a big push of sales dicks in my neighborhood this summer convincing people to get solar panels installed on the rooftop. I slammed the door in their face, but they even approached while walking the dog.

    About 10% of the hood took the bait, in my estimation. Now they’re generating 0 watts per hour with snow piled high on them and -5 degrees.

    Interestingly, there’s what I call a “uber progressive pocket” in the neighborhood, about 8 houses all together that all support unions and higher taxes and the most radical candidates. You can tell because of the yard signs. None of them got solar installed.

  11. Wind power is a pipe dream as a windmill can never replace the energy used to build it. Solar is still in it’s infancy. The power storage is the weak link. Battery technology has not improved that much over the past 100 years. Solar panels have doubled their longevity and power production twice in the past 40 years. A solar system’s brake even on a off grid system for a house is down to about 11 years and the life of that system is 25 to 30 years. The batteries last 7 years for lead acid and 10 years for lithium.

  12. I’ve got 18 inches of snow on the ground in my yard after 2 feet fell in three days last week. Power was out for 48 hours (I got a generator to power some space heaters). Been below 0f for two days.

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