Lots of Coincidences – IOTW Report

Lots of Coincidences

Matt Kim noticed a few things.

14 Comments on Lots of Coincidences

  1. Give the people credit, everyone loved what he had to say but only 8 percent committed to vote for him and the 3 percent he would have received in NH will now go to PDJT.

    The common folk sniffed out the intangible deep state support of Ramaswamy and voted accordingly but those bible thumping white folk are just a bunch of retarded redneck rubes dontcha know?

  2. Never heard of this guy.
    But he seems to be onto something.

    In politics, there are simply:
    No coincidences.
    No paradoxes.
    No “unintended” consequences.

    And, most certainly, the Media are practicing politics – NOT journalism.
    his question “Why?” is alarmingly valid.

    Is the WEF positioning another mole into Trump’s Administration?
    Is Soros injecting a “Vivek” plague bacillus into America?

    It’s really a shame that America no longer has a Fourth Estate – only a Fifth Column disguised as the Fourth Estate.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Interesting, looking at the company financials:
    It’s valued at about $9B, Vivek owns about 10%.

    Revenue the past approximately 4 years has risen from $24M to $103M.
    Income for each of the past 4 years has been a loss of around $1 BILLION per year.
    Per Wikipedia it has lots of subsidiary companies, including some in partnership with China.

    A little scary.

  4. Judging by the Matt Kim thread above this one, it looks like Ramaswampy is Pence 2.0.

    PDT has said that Vivek will never be MAGA, but Vivek seems to be trying to stay in Trump’s loop. It’s almost as if Vivek is following a deep state strategy.

    I hope Trump has seen all the info Matt Kim presents, and acts accordingly, but the swamp did not hey drained at all. Instead the swamp has drained the pool of talent Trump can choose. This is going to be a tough year, hopefully followed by four more hard years of swamp-draining. It’s our last, best chance.

  5. I hate to admit, Vivek had me fooled. Said all the right things, but something told me he was a little too good to be true. Thank God we have guys like Kim on our side, doing the work “journalists “ won’t do.

  6. Attention mystaclean,I completely agree with you. There’s just ‘something’ about Nikki Haley, let’s hope Kim does some digging on her. thanking you in advance Kim.

    Hope we hear from you soon Kim with the real story.


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