Argentina’s Javier Milei says west ‘in danger’ in fiery Davos speech – IOTW Report

Argentina’s Javier Milei says west ‘in danger’ in fiery Davos speech

FT: Argentina’s new libertarian president Javier Milei has accused western leaders of abandoning “the values of the west” in a high-profile address to the World Economic Forum, marking a dramatic debut on the world stage.

“I am here to tell you that the western world is in danger . . . because those who are supposed to defend the values of the west have been co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism, and therefore to poverty,” Milei told an audience in Davos on Wednesday.

He said “international organisations” had been influenced by “collectivism”, “radical feminism” and a “cruel . . . environmental agenda”.

Milei, a self-described anarcho-capitalist and former television pundit, was elected on an anti-establishment platform in November amid the troubled South American economy’s worst crisis in two decades. more

13 Comments on Argentina’s Javier Milei says west ‘in danger’ in fiery Davos speech

  1. He is no wrongo. But I bet a psychic in the room would have passed out from the voices in her head saying, “True, but what are you going to do about it?” simultaneously in twenty different languages.

  2. At DAVOS? Can anyone still take him seriously?

    Frankly that’s the best place to address all of these Stalin Wannabees! Not only that he should flown in on the smokiest jet outfitted for sky-writing that he could find, dumping the oil on both landing and taking off like some Batman character!

  3. Awesome. Lot’s of people were crying about Milei going to Davos and thought he was just another of the parasites joining in the parasite convention to enjoy the feast on the rotting corpse of human freedom, but no! No! He spoke for the human beings in the world, the individuals suffering under the load of spiteful mutants running the parasitic apparatus afflicting God’s creation due to our mercy and ignorance.

    Another champion arises.

    The parasites will resist the emetic as a pile of worms in a dog’s gut does. Increase the dose, clear the infection, let the corpus of humanity have a chance to live.

  4. Has anyone considered that they ALLOW this to be said to “improve their reputation” – by the way, one of their agenda items for this conference? Wake up people. Certain things are ALLOWED to be spoken so the gullible will think there is someone on their side. Meanwhile, Argentina has now aligned with the US dollar and Israel. Please…Seriously?? How much more WEF do you need to see??? This clown has even recently converted to Judaism. Talk about bending over for the globalist tyranny.

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