Why Is Mark Milley In Davos? – IOTW Report

Why Is Mark Milley In Davos?

AFP: General Mark Milley (USA, Ret) has been spotted at Davos with his entourage.

This is the same Mark Milley who went behind President Trump’s back to the Chinese Communist Party to undermine the Commander-in-Chief’s authority.

The same Mark Milley who helped prevent the National Guard from deploying to the capitol on Jan 6, 2021, then lied about it, likely to aid the ‘fedsurrection. more

20 Comments on Why Is Mark Milley In Davos?

  1. Since he’s an active-duty military General he should be tried for treason for knowingly and willingly aiding and abetting the enemy. And he should be summarily court martialed and busted entirely and spend the rest of his miserable life at Ft. Leavenworth at hard labor.

  2. Because “Ukraine can’t pay it’s pensions”, meaning 7elensky can’t pay his army. Or more importantly, Budanov’s gestapo. Milley is there to manage 7elensky, meaning the Pentagon has not yet thrown its weight to Zaluzhny.

    I wonder which spook is there to keep Budanov afloat and in line with whatever regime change may be required.

  3. He’s meeting and greeting to line up invites to sit on lucrative cushy Board of Director positions post-retirement, where he can offer influence with his forner subordinate cronies still sitting in Pentagon purchasing positions.

  4. Jumper, when Hillary came to our base, NO ONE was allowed outside. The SS made us pull the shades on all the windows. No other dignitary ever did ever that, not even Bill, just that miserable, self-loathing, corrupt to the core, lying sacka shit, America hating commie c*nt.

  5. He’s always been part of the cabal – or “club” – that we ain’t in. They’re plotting our demise. I wouldn’t know who, but someone needs to stop these evil people. Klaus and his buddies will depopulate the world if not. Who’ll do their laundry and grow their food? They’re not considering the long game here.


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