She’s a Handsome Woman. – IOTW Report

She’s a Handsome Woman.

Barack Obama Celebrates Michelle’s 60th Birthday with Vacation Pic – Conservative Social Media Users Respond.

23 Comments on She’s a Handsome Woman.

  1. I have a 60 year old tranny on my F600. It leaks a little bit, it’s ugly, and it smells bad. But I’d rather have a million of them than one Big Mike. A billion more than Squatch. A trillion.

    Nobody but Barry needs a Squatch.

  2. “The most elegant First Lady since Jackie Kennedy.”
    (some blind, deaf, and dumb sycophantic paid stooge propaganda muffukker)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “…there were 10 years where I couldn’t stand my husband,”

    …that’s OK dude, there were 8 years we DEFINITELY couldn’t stand your “husband”, and indeed he disgusts us to this DAY…

  4. Beautiful Barry? You breech loading, bone smuggling, crack smoking piece of shit. What so-called woman needs to have her back and ass shaved every single morning to get rid of the overnight hair growth? Big Mike knows how to pimp slap Barry when he gets out of line, that’s why invert Barry is with him, her, it.

  5. I don’t wanna see Obama’s birth certificate. I know he lied about being a foreigner in college to get a better deal. I wanna see the birth certificates of his children! Who is their birth mother?


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