Leprosy, Polio, Malaria, TB, Measles… and Massive Unscreened Illegal Immigration – IOTW Report

Leprosy, Polio, Malaria, TB, Measles… and Massive Unscreened Illegal Immigration

Recently, however, some of these forgotten but still formidable infectious diseases have begun to reappear in the U.S. For two years running, polio has been detected in some New York water samples, and this fall, leprosy re-emerged in Florida, where cases of malaria have also been recorded. – Story

18 Comments on Leprosy, Polio, Malaria, TB, Measles… and Massive Unscreened Illegal Immigration

  1. Doing the jobs Americans won’t do …
    Bringing back the diseases Americans already conquered.

    So many good things come from illegal-alien invading rat-people!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. PSR for IOTWreport

    Off topic, but for some of you guys who are swamped with unrelated ads and cookies, I found a legitimate way that eliminates every one of these while viewing IOTW. I have been using the following for several years:

    Consider using Firefox

    Ghostery (free version, Don’t forget to contribute – but not mandatory) Link:

    Startpage.com (like AOL, but faster and better in aspects that favor IOTW, less than $50/year (and checks for cookies/trackers)

    DuckDuckGo Use this as your search engine (but not mandatory). It tracks IOTWR automatically. Shows up next to Ghosterly in upper right-hand corner.

    Also, I do subscribe to Norton 360, but do not see much of a reason to pay a yearly $160 or so for what already is being done by others, but for some people like myself, just do it anyway. Also:

    Don’t forget to pass a Contribution to these people (IOTWr) who work hard and, I suspect long hours, but too humble to “muddy the waters” with that issue.

    – pianamusic

  3. Hey, those vegetables aren’t gonna pick themselves you know. So what if they slime them with their poop and various communicable diseases?

    So what if they commit rampant sexual, child, and animal abuse? Dammit, I need my taters…


    Jerry Nadler

  4. Cisco Kid
    SATURDAY, 20 JANUARY 2024, 7:02 AT 7:02 AM
    “Hey, those vegetables aren’t gonna pick themselves you know.”

    …there’s a vegetable in the White House someone picked for us.

    That’s how we ended up here NOW…

  5. Wasn’t one of the purposes of Ellis Island to make sure that immigrants to the United State were screened for communicable diseases and then quarantined to make sure that their diseases didn’t spread to the general population. And to be properly vetted as well. We need a new Ellis Island for immigrants to prevent illegal immigration from getting out of hand as it has under bidumb’s administration. If they’re sick send em back quick so they don’t give us the ick.

  6. Stock up on Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Zinc, D3&K2, CoQ10 (for those on Statins), and I’m sure there are others that you have in your daily regimen. Stay away from sugar and other highly processed foods. Turn the food pyramid upside down, 1) Meat & fish first, 2) Vegetables and Fruits next, then 3) Cheese and Dairy, 4) Fats & Oils (the good kind, real butter, Olive oil for cooking), and 5) Breads & Grains, 6) Sweets (much less that you wish). After a week or so (try the Keto diet first), you won’t miss 5 & 6 as much.

    Many doctors may not be reliable, so do your research and don’t listen to them when they poo poo this for staying healthy.


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