Nothing To See Here – IOTW Report

Nothing To See Here

Devoted Marxist Rams Cop With Car in NYC, Media Runs Cover.

10 Comments on Nothing To See Here

  1. Sooo… out of state Marxist and a soft on crime Soros DA…..
    Sounds like the police need some help from the citizens (not the serfs)…
    “Hello officer. May I help? First, turn off your camera. Much better. Need help with this perp? Sure, I can assist. Cuffed? Ok. Got a spare set of keys? Just in case, ya’know. Thx. Got ‘ em.”
    (Citizen & perp walk around the corner (supposedly) heading to the nearest police station)
    (Noises heard, crash, bang, yelps, cracking)
    (Citizen walks back to the officer, dragging the perp. Hands the officer the cuffs and key)
    “Well, darndest thing ever. Perp tried to escape. Multiple times. I had to stop ’em. Multiple times. Sorry I didn’t make it to the station. But here’s the perp back for ya. Don’t think they’ll be giving you any more trouble.”

    Yeah, in my dreams.

  2. This super genius who wants to be a crisis event communications manager or some such nonsense can’t even shut down her linked in page, which unsurprisingly reports her demographic information unreported by the press.

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